Sunday, March 6, 2011

Registro De Proshow Gold

Marine Le Pen is two years before Sarkozy

The Sueddeutsche reports today :

"The presidential election of 2012 in France could become a triumph of extreme right : a survey suggest that the beat Rechtspopulistin Marine Le Pen, France's president Nicolas Sarkozy in the presidential election in the first round. According to the survey, which was commissioned by the newspaper Le Parisien, was Le Pen's 23 percent approval, while incumbent, Sarkozy was only 21 percent. About two months after her appointment as Leader of the xenophobic Front National, the 42-year-old wins it historically the best poll result for their party. "

On € news Marine Le Pen recently announced their " -right " , " populist " and " xenophobic " views in an interview price:

"I'm looking for Europe, as I do with all my might fight any event, the European Union, not Europe itself Europe.. this is a culture, a field. I am European. But the European Union is a structure that has for me totalitarian. So the European Soviet Union, so to speak. proceeding farther it, the more it is constructed without the people - they are designed by the people. The more guidelines you aufzwängt us ... We see it, and you must go to say that they ruined our economy, that they are on the bag is that it may affect the currency, giving us a way of life imposes, it is not our own is. "

" The European Union is, in my opinion dead It is a sinking star. She believes that she is alive, but it is long buried. For the currency it has created is currently dead we try to save the € at any cost. But at what price? I do not want to cut my people like the Irishman the minimum wage by twelve percent must reduce the money needs children, unemployment benefits and cut wages officials must. If that is the price we have to pay to save the Euro, then I say: better, we come out of the EU and abolish the €. "

" I think you have to start all over again. Europe can be alive if it creates on a basis of nations, the national sovereignty respects, a Europe of cooperation is - only if it achieves good results objectively. "

" And I'm willing to organize the referendum on EU membership of Turkey in France. I am against Turkey's accession. "

[to the events in Tunisia and Egypt] " For are my opinion not so much democratic revolutions but hunger revolution. I think that the International Monetary System and the bad decisions of the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation, the high prices have led to important everyday food products. "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rules For The Game Fustration

Bull Market: Stocks clearly in gold

two years endures the bull market in stocks now
. (Granted. 1 trading is still missing, but that is the big picture not change)

And you can see that gold in this period no had a chance against shares. developed the securities that are approximately twice as good as the yellow metal.

to enlarge

Nipples On Reality Shows

Ron Paul To Ben Bernanke "I Want A Definition Of Money!"

Ben Bernank e a serious comprehension problem seems to regard the term to ' definition "have. I find it astonishing that the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of nebulous circumlocutions as "purchasing power" must go back if he is asked, what is a U.S. dollars .

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Carve A Pine Wood Derby

Mervyn King (Bank of England) and Charles Ferguson ("Inside Job") surprised

We truly live in exciting times when the boss of a Western central bank to publicly wonder that the anger of people against banks not greater, and a member of life of the CFR and Oscar Prize winner suggests that one should put half of the top management of major U.S. banks in the jail.

Mervyn King (BoE):

Charles Ferguson (damals in Cannes, 2010):

" Where do you see things going? Do you think current regulatory bills will help?

Not much. They don’t address the core problems. However, I think there is an increasingly popular anger and revulsion at this situation, and that will translate into increased political pressure. I think there’s a strong case to be made that if you put half of the top management of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Bros, Merrill Lynch and Bear Sterns in prison, that you would not have to make much regulatory change, at all "

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flea Bites On Dog Belly

Banca d'Italia and the gold

While the U.S. FED as" conspiracy theory "is to say they would be in private ownership (I myself am in this regard agnostic), it is in Italy officially Sun there is the central bank to the commercial banks. Zero hedge to quotes the Financial Time that says that the " by a quirk of law " is such , that is due to a "mood of the law " (such as laws just as upfront ...). The shareholders are here:
The FT now reports that attempt to Italian banks, the move Banca d'Italia to evaluate the held gold reserves so new that the shares of the Central Bank may be rated higher, to turn capital in the context Savings of BaselIII to (quoted by ZH):

" The Bank of Italy currently has a nominal value of just € 156,000 ($ 215,000) divided into 300 000 shares Which are distributed among Italy's retail and savings banks according to their size .

Senior bankers say taking into account the surge in gold prices the Bank of Italy could have a mark-to-market value of about €30bn. Analysts estimate the Italian banking sector has combined recapitalisation needs of much the same amount to comply with new Basel III capital rules.

Any debate over the value of the Bank of Italy has met with opposition from the central bank concerned that it could harm governance. For the same reason, executives at Italy’s banks are not involved in the central bank’s decision-making process.

But several sources familiar with the talks say Italy’s banking lobby is gaining political traction amid opposition from its core shareholders, the local banking foundations, to capital increases as they fear a dilution of their stakes.

Italy’s So government has indicated there is a political will to reduce the need for Italian banks to access the capital markets "

Monday, February 28, 2011

Difference Of Title Policy

Oscar winner speaks plain text

interesting and controversial statements of the" inside job "director Charles Ferguson at

"The biggest surprise to me personally and biggest disappointment was that nobody in the Obama administration would speak with me even off the record - including people that I've known for many, many years," Ferguson said backstage.

he believe Americans, who lost homes and jobs in the millions because of shady mortgage lending and bank collapses, are disappointed that "nothing has been done."

" Unfortunately, I think that is predominantly the reason that the financial industry has become so politically powerful that it is able to inhibit the normal process of justice and law enforcement ," said Ferguson. "

should come not in the news?

My Public Hair Goes Through My Underwear

And the Oscar goes to ... INSIDE JOB!

" Inside Job is "the best documentation. Lifetime CFR member and director Charles Ferguson is in his acceptance speech said the following have:

" Three years after this terrible financial crisis that was triggered by massive fraud, is yet not one of the managers ended up in prison. And that is wrong "


This should increase the chances that he is also in Germany in the cinema:

Update: Naked Capitalism
When you are surprised that the NY Times victory in her Oscar article does not mention:
" Update (by Yves) 3:00 AM: Curious, no mention of Inside Job in the New York Times' story on the Oscars, when they did mention the foreign language film, best makeup and score recipients . "

update a section of his speech (do not know if he has more say?):

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Where Can I Watch Brazilian Soap Operas Online?

Stieg Larson

I devoured the books. So I was now looking forward to the filming. The movies we have not made it. The reviews were not so enthusiastic.
My conclusion: It has tried to stay very close to the point where we of course can not reflect the complexity. The ZDF has just introduced the Dirctor Cut into six parts. From part two I was pretty disappointed. Also Part five last week was rather lame. But on this part was great. I think the way Lisbeth hit very well. With Mikael can be divided. But the more you see it, the more interesting it becomes. There
The Leseempgehlung it from with in any case. Even my Schwiemu that otherwise is not the Krimifan could the books not put it down.

Huge Boobed Indian Models

amazed by

... I just got back at how quickly you made of old curtains, some old lace and tulle can bring a carnival costume. The large forest child wants to go to the carnival necessarily as a princess. As my mom from our children's carnival time, yet has a big bag of costumes, of course I had hoped that since something of that sort in it. Was not the case. So my mom has conjured up this morning in about 2 hours a magical costume. My parents have
me years ago but given a sewing machine, but so far I have spared me to sew more things. Even the curtains in the forester, it has sewn us at that time.

Thank you dear Mommy!

Now the machine is still on the coffee table and I begin to set before tomorrow at length with the sewing basket past repair work, which to me are the seams too long for them to sew by hand. Wish me so fingers crossed that I find the courage.

Connecting A Tv With Spdif Out To A Receiver

Prof. Lauterbach throw stones

Prof. Karl Lauterbach (SPD) breaks in the Bundestag (23:02:11) the staff about Mr z u Guttenberg (on whose side I would like to suggest not this post):

What bothers me the self-righteous pompous appearance of Lauterbach , so I at this little "affair" from the 2007 would remember, even if not to Guttenberg relief or qualifying his misconduct. What is put into perspective in my mind is the credibility of Lauterbach outrage:

" Court bans Karl Lauterbach Quote distortion
Hamburg (ots) - The Hamburg Regional Court for an injunction against the Cologne MPs Karl Lauterbach adopted Lauterbach had. in a commentary by SPIEGEL an "abyss of aversion to patients," discovered and cited as evidence a reader contribution from the Forum for the online news service, however, denied that the author had clearly identified this as satire.

"From a Scientists should be expected to clean and he quotes quotes deliberately falsified Sun that the contents into its opposite, "says editor in chief Dr. Bernd Guzek:" The state court case now banned a blatant, easily recognizable and cheap manipulation. But other items tagged Lauterbach torn from the context, "says Guzek," We are examining is whether we make further legal claims against Lauterbach claims "The problem the court order for Lauterbach was not least because it is likely that. Lauterbach, the same quote distortion not only in the "mirror" but had made in his forthcoming book. The book, due out on Thursday in Berlin the press ... "


More details:

http: / / C3% A4ndig_und_teilweise

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Best Harem Ecchi Manga

"Inside Job" - The Washington film, Wall Street and the Fed do not want you to see 02/25, 19 clock: Wolfgang Eggert Munich

"Inside Job" - The Washington film, Wall Street and the Fed do not want you to see FINANCIAL SENSE

" This week on the Financial Sense Newshour, Jim Puplava is pleased to welcome Daniel Alpert to discuss the documentary film" Inside Job "that explores the credit crisis of 2008 and who was responsible. Dan is a founding managing partner of Westwood Capital, LLC and its affiliates. He has more than 30 years of international merchant banking and investment banking experience, including a wide variety of work-out and bankruptcy related restructuring experience. Dan was featured in the film and is part of a monthly economic group that includes "Inside Job" director Charles Ferguson . "

Friday, February 25, 2011

My 10 Year Old Is Mastrabating

"If we had wanted, there would have been the Greens never!"

Maybe gold really irrational in a bubble, like my bank manager said since a few years.

That does not mean that there are not a lot of irrational be:

to enlarge anklicken

Freezer Leaks Into Fridge Kitchenaid


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Combinations With Repetition

Janich Oliver in an interview on "The capitalist conspiracy"

Ungewöhnlich klare Töne:

Ein paar Highlights:

"There are many villains in the story of the recent crisis and much written to name them, describe them and even curse them. If you want to know how it happened, read “Thirteen Bankers” and “All the Devils Are Here.”"

If you want to understand why the American public refuses to ignore the injustices associated with executive compensation in bailed out companies versus budget cuts borne by the middle class, read Rolling Stone’s article “Why isn’t Wall Street in Jail?”

"Today, I am convinced that the existence of too big to fail financial institutions poses the greatest risk to the U.S. economy. The incentives for risk-taking have not changed post-crisis and the regulatory factors that helped create the crisis remain in place. We must make the largest institutions more manageable, more competitive, and more accountable. We must break up the largest banks, and could do so by expanding the Volcker Rule and significantly narrowing the scope of institutions that are now more powerful and more of a threat to our capitalistic system than prior to the crisis."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Birthday Wishes For A Crush

Chocolate Club, the Fourth

just before our holiday even my part-package came from Lindt Chocolate Club. This time I really got the content. On this occasion, I notice you that I had concealed the January package. It was not really worth mentioning. The contents consisted for the most part again Lindor products and I had mi'ch fats already decided to terminate the subscription.
Fortunately, I had forgotten it. This time there was (I did not even - Caramel / Fleur de Sel and orange / pistachio) two panels Passion Chocolat, a pack of mini chocolates, three different types of nougat, a bag of nougat and truffles with Minis Fiortetti cointreau and passion fruit flavor. This time I
am really pleased with the package. Lindt gets So we had a chance. It is very pleasant with a monthly supply of chocolate delivered to the house to get.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is Verapamil Dangerous

Inside Job (film)

A few weeks ago drew mainly in the IT-news story, the attention that has followed the US-American security company HB GARY the group "Anonymous" and infiltrated and the heads of Anonymous now knows. The information-

alone is enough to joke and shows ignorance.

Anonymous fought back and brought down, among other things, the site of HB Gary and some of the pages that have been standing with the company or the Board of the Company in connection de-faced, that is provided with a new header graphic.
same time, they took part in a proper internal and external communications, is now gradually thinned out. (Which in the clear emails there, apparently they do not use one encryption software for email delivery)

Thus announced they are working mainly for the U.S. government or the U.S. secret services in special Super Trojans, designing hand Lung recommendations mondtotmachen Internet opposition and in the course of this Cyber Wars to create and it works Untertützer software.

you are afraid, and we should hurry what companies because if they continue like that is disgusting in the Western world.
I am thinking of a set of by § 20 (4) Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany
all drivel and nothing brings Geblogge if it is not put into action. Reasons to refer to § 20 (4) If so really enough, right?

Mixer Grinder Without Noise

FOX News Creates Fraudulent Video to Discredit Ron Paul

Live Score:

Pregnancy Pain Over Belly Button

Silver and Opium

the all smoke and mirrors Munich Stammtisch
in the pub "The Bears host"
Wendl -Dietrich-Str. 24 80634 München

Other Web Like Jibjab

Matt Taibbi: Why Is not Wall Street in Jail?

Very interesting interview with Ditfurth , including the influence of the USA on German domestic politics, Czem Özdemir Bilderberg ... uh ... picture-perfect career among others.
The title is a quote:

Ditfurth : Özdemir, 2002 was for the bonus miles affair and the scandal about a private loan he had received from the public relations consultant Hunzinger, disappeared for a while from the German public. He was in the U.S., funded by the German Marshall Fund, and has made a kind of additional training. Then followed the meteoric rise - and suddenly he's in all sorts of bodies that have always something to do with how Europe and Germany behave with the U.S.. In October 2010, Wikileaks published secret documents about 400,000 to the Iraq war. The Cem Özdemir was ethically questionable. But the Greens were times for transparency!

SPIEGEL ONLINE : Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Ditfurth : I have the influence of the U.S. government to local politicians and even experienced: When I was national chairman of the Greens wanted the U.S. State Department take contact with me. I said not interested. In my lecture tour in 1987 by the U.S., they have tried it anyway. At Georgetown University in Washington, I was suddenly in front of a packed audience - including plenty of Uniform and CIA employees. We have argued loudly - a former commandant of Berlin los shouted: "If we had wanted , it would have the Greens never existed! "....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

David's Bridal 99 Dollar Wedding Dress Sale

Back again

After 8 days in the snow (yes, there are actually some snow angles in Germany) We are back safe at home, apart from my knee twisted. Fortunately, the inner band is probably just dragged. But the runs were worth. More reports hopefully in the next few days when I struggled a bit through the 600 reader entries and sifted through the images of the forester had.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Polaris Indy Xtra-10 Suspension

Kyle Bass of the markets

The thing about the gun ownership is not really to my taste, probably because I was socialized in Germany and was afraid of the things. However, I once told an American libertarians, that the American "obsession" with guns in Germany is regarded as "Out of Control." He replied dryly that American libertarians look at German "Out of Control" as, because we have twice allowed to be disarmed by dictators and in his eyes, neither Hitler nor DDR would have been possible if "we German" was not unarmed would.

8 Hp Snowblower Belts

Ben Bernanke and the crisis continue shaking

Plantronics Medication


Interesting review (s) of the film "Inside Job " which hopefully will soon be released in Germany in the British Guardian :

Very aptly I find this quote:

"Still , no matter how much it understand is explained, the general public is not going to. How does one go into battle yelling slogans about credit default swaps? The bankers know ignorance is their trump card. Maybe Inside Job will make us more savvy in time for the next crash. "

Charles Ferguson , producer and director of the film is interesting as a" life member "of the CFR .

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Switch Of Flash Light In E71

The Unfinished at the Madre de Dios

In the heart of South America, a quiet revolution going on. Until a few years, the Amazonian regions of each state development efforts were largely unencumbered. Peru looked to the Pacific, Brazil's big cities all along the Atlantic coast. The Amazon region was considered inaccessible paradise for some, for the other full of pitfalls. In any case, a land of great difficulty elevating natural treasures that only the foolhardy adventurer waved as a reward.
postponed until the world axis to the south. formerly the Latin American attention was directed to the north towards the U.S., it now depends on the one hand, Brazil and China on the other. Between the two lies the Pacific, the Andes and the ...... the Amazon. Today it is no more blood adventurers have to explore the Amazon. New highways provide rapid connection between the Atlantic and Pacific, and ensure that China will soon fatten cattle on Brazilian soy.
If today on the "Interoceánica of Rio Branco in the Brazilian state of Acre to the adjacent department of Madre de Dios in Peru goes, so you can do it in air-conditioned coach, the entlangzuckelt of fenced cattle ranches, which remind me almost to the native Allgäu.

Only the River Madre de Dios "seems to opening up its traffic engineering to resist with all their might: the suspension bridge over the River Madre de Dios" is finished after 6 years, not construction. The last anecdote: the quest on which the bridge is to be hung, showed cracks. Now engineers are studying the plans, the building stands still long and the bridge is unfinished, as held by threads of the "Madre de Dios River.

the Rio Madre de Dios in the Amazon highway takes some getting over. Abruptly comes to a halt the modernization and the pace is leisurely set back from the river in front of him driving. Every tree, every truck and every Machine must be individually geschippert across the river on ferries to hand craft. The ferries are barefoot guys who repair between two trips, or even while driving their small outboard motor and propeller. To the waiting truck drivers, a lively utilities and retailers clique has formed. upset because you must wait here anyway, you can also eat, drink a few beers, no use. The process established in the unfinished bridge abrupt deceleration leads to a different world, one that is in the time-saving completely meaningless.

However, if the Brazilian-Peruvian integration continues at this rate, it must Chinese cattle wait long for their food from Brazil!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Harley Snowmobile Price

Unbelievable ...

FOX News Creates Fraudulent Video to Discredit Ron Paul

Stopwatch For Desktop

A new article by Antal Fekete :

Silver and Opium

"The amazing thing about this episode of the history of human folly as the ease with Which it could be pushed down the throat of the rest of the world, including those nations that were directly hurt by it, such as the ones running a trade surplus with the U.S. Their savings went up in smoke. The explanation for this self-destructing behavior is the addictive, debilitating and mind-corrosive nature of paper money, in direct analogy with that of opium. The high caused by administering the opium pipe to the patient (read: administering QE) had to be repeated when the effect faded by a fresh administration of more opium (read: more QE2)."

Numero De Serie De Blazedtv 6.0

Bevor manche vielleicht etwas theorieverliebte und in meinen Augen schlicht realitätsfremde Libertäre sich wieder wundern, warum ich einen Artikel eines "linken" Journalisten anpreise, der Gefängnisstrafen für Wall-Street-"Unternehmer" fordert , möchte ich auf die Abschlußpassagen hinweisen (Hervorhebung von mir):

" The mental stumbling block, for most Americans, is that financial crimes don't feel real; you don't see the culprits waving guns in liquor stores or dragging coeds into bushes. But these frauds are worse than common robberies. They're crimes of intellectual choice, made by people who are already rich and who have every conceivable social advantage, acting on a simple, cynical calculation: Let's steal whatever we can, then dare the victims to find the juice to reclaim their money through a captive bureaucracy. They're attacking the very definition of property - Which, after all, depends in part on a legal system that defends everyone's claims of ownership equally . When that definition becomes tenuous or conditional - when the state simply gives up on the notion of justice -. This whole American Dream thing recedes even further from reality "

The Wall Street bosses are not" John Galt "that represent capitalism, they are megalomaniac criminals who buy their accomplices on the supervisory authorities and the foundation of capitalism, undermining Eigetumsrechte, and the exemplary principles of" lead free market "absurd and bring it into disrepute. From I can starve from these figures, even in private prisons, I have not gone to the statists. Rothbard and Co. but would turn over in his grave if they saw what happened to the USA . Besides, I is in an upright dubio officials with a sense of justice as Gary Aguirre rather than sleazy criminal pseudo-capitalists like Dick Fuld or John Mack .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2 Days Late And High Soft Cervix

If says Mr Bass , you should listen:

What Does A Brazilian Wax Consist Of?

a blunt insight into the minds of U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a beginning of February, published in 2011, previously confidential minutes of the American Committee of Inquiry into a hearing in November 2009 (translation B4RP):

Committee Member Thompson :

" Not a disaster of this magnitude occurs without early warning signs that something goes wrong. What are the warning signs were in this disaster? Had we acted then, we could have averted the disaster "

Ben Bernanke :

? Hm, I do not know, I have to think about it. I think there are people ... there were people, even with the Fed, but also elsewhere, who said a year before the crisis, that risk was not priced into appropriate that credit spreads were very narrow, that the markets seemed exuberant that liquidity in a sense, was overflowing. "( B4RP Note: today there are again "people", warning right out front. But we welcome the end of 2009 (!) Decision taken by Bernanke to want to think about early warning signs ). There were people - you know, I will perhaps say: there were people - not necessarily always the same, the different parts of the problem have been identified. You know, there were people who were worried about derivatives, and there were people that have bad mortgages were concerned (subprime mortgages), there were people to whom the general credit environment concerns prepared and there were people who cared about off-balance sheet vehicles. But I think that contrary to the assertions of one or two people who live a certain extent from the fact that they - I quote - "would have predicted the crisis," the interaction of these problems have been brewing the "perfect storm," so complicated and huge, was that I, at least for me it certainly was not clear. Whatever that now brings - and it could simply be due to my inadequacy - but I was aware of no one who had expressed some sort of comprehensive warning. "

The protocol:

Business Week and the same subject:

Update: http://market

Monday, February 14, 2011

Christmas Vacation - Moose Punch Cups

The sheer uned story of the little known mortgage database MERS "continues:

The good judge says, indeed, that his decision would consider a " impact significant " have, but probably it is today, no matter that half of the U.S. market for mortgage securitization on property rights is very thin soil. After all, he shows that not every U.S. lawyer "To Big Too Fail" looks to be above the law:

"The court does not accept the argument that because MERS may be involved with 50 percent of all residential mortgages in the country , that is reason enough for this court to turn a blind eye to the . Fact that this process does not comply with the law "

to refresh (September 2009):

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chelsea Charms Retiring

12 years

12 years ago today, I had made myself from Munich on the way to my home to celebrate with my best friend carnival. Influenced by my father (was a few years in the Elferrat in my home town) was / am I a real Faschingsfan. Not my boyfriend wanted to, so I made my own on the way to Saxony. Since
K. member organizing Carnival Club was the evening we were a fairly large and colorful group. On the huge table but only a damsel and a knave, without accompaniment, and so did the two were together for this evening. Now you take it at the carnival with Flirterei and one or the other kiss is not as accurate. But this time it was different. Since I was traveling by car, I was able to eat except a beer drink anything, and yet I felt like walking on clouds. I think we have to dance in the morning by 4 clock, laughing and talking. Why I gave the miners my phone number, I can from now no more to say. Maybe my subconscious has already known what I had to admit yet. It had caught me.
The six-hour train ride back to Munich the next day were the worst of my life. I knew that in Munich C. standing on the platform and wait for me would. How should I confront him? Should I write the last 5.5 years just like that in the wind? Two tracks I wanted but we do not compete. I was to the following weekend has come back to Saxony to the squire's birthday party. On the other hand, I knew the miners to nothing. I had no opportunity to question my friend. It would run on a long distance relationship also. Did I do that? The thoughts circled carousel. I knew only that I had to have made a decision when I got off the train in Munich.
ultimately decided the belly, that I wanted to take the risk of a long relationship that had some sticking points in against the uncertainty. Since I prefer for an end to terror than terror without end am, I dropped the bombshell that same evening, shortly after the arrival of burst in my apartment. C. was flabbergasted when I told him that I wanted to call it quits. To make matters worse at the same moment also called the squire. The stalled for now.
The next weeks were not easy. The forester, no other was the squire, had my life to the Upside down. C. was more or less moved in with me. I do but could not get it moving from now on to just outside the door. I suffered with him because I knew how much I hurt him. (Dear C! Sorry! But it did not help)
On the other hand, I was on cloud nine. With the ranger there were so many similarities. It could actually be a mistake. Despite the determined, it lasted nine months until I was really sure that I made the right decision. Again and again I wondered if this love would take you the distance. Or I would have with C. but will pull together again. The emotional chaos that at times there was in me, can not be described. The forester had at this time is not always easy with me. When I read my letters from that time (yes we do (love) written letters and even eliminated), there are still so many a sigh. In retrospect, I know

: It was the right decision. How are together now for 12 years, of which married almost 9 years. Everyday life we share, however, only been seven years of plenty. That our love has overcome even this obstacle (I moved back only to Saxony, as his mother began for the protection of large forest child), is the best for me.

Dear U., I thank you for these twelve years.
And I am grateful to K. you've been at that time persuaded to come to the carnival. I think so still that she and H. have planned the whole thing. ;-)
I look forward to the next 12 years with you, which will hopefully continue on for many years.
And then we go together to the tea dance ;-)

With C., that would not have gone well. Unfortunately, I have completely lost it after moving to Saxony in the eyes. I like to know how he is today.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Always Get Dizzy After The Trendmill

Lima taxi driver: a tribute

I think it was the Argentine Martín Caparrós chronicler, who called the taxi driver once as the last recourse of mediocre journalists. Talk of the journalist, as the only "voice of the people" to hear the taxi driver who takes him from the airport to the luxury hotel. In other words, any journalist who thinks highly of itself, should be careful not to cite the taxi driver. I do it anyway. For the taxi drivers in this city are a million reasons why I returned. They require humane prices, have all patience in the world and are more entertaining than any soap opera.
took today I clock at half past seven in the evening a taxi in the remote district of Miraflores. The first taxi driver I stopped, an elderly, rotund man, would not allow to trade with them, as is usual. The price was reasonable, and I got. "Oh Senhorita if you knew how I hate this job," the taxi driver sighed at once. For 42 years he has been driving taxi, and he hated it, every day, from Sunday to Sunday, it seats 12 or more hours in taxis. "I just do not have other talents," he says. Or rather, "a big heart I have, I can anyone be angry." Then he erzäht me about his mishap two years ago, it was his brand new car stolen. Today, this he still choose to pay off the loan. $ 400 month, he still has a year to get them together.
While we are in the evening traffic jam, he told me about his wife that they did a good marriage, that she was but a little strict, that it had already 13 surgeries, including a hysterectomy, and that he go tomorrow to mammography is.
two daughters he has also, they are his pride and joy. Because the money was not enough, she had to quit law school, but it has the oldest, a 26-year-old, now found a serious marriage candidate. An officer. "Four weeks ago he asked me quite literally, if he see my daughter should, "and since then the two are a couple.
arrive when we finally in Miraflores, I know his family history, but not his name." Oh, how I hate this job, "he sighs again, put up my 12 soles and sets out to search for the next customer. And I'm still trapped by its history and I feel absolutely no matter whether it is true or not.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can Herpes Appear On The Chest In Women

Lima reloaded 2011

Still Lima is the energetic, chaotic, sometimes unnerving metropolis I had left two years ago, and I am now returned a few things have changed since the one hand are the 10 -.. 20stöckigen tower blocks that built everywhere be. It seems very little room in Lima has been on parents and grandparents lived, and now that the economy is better able to meet anyone who can make the dream of their own home. And since Lima can not grow in width, it now grows in the air. Let us hope that the houses are earthquake-proof, because the next earthquake is determined here.

More generally noticeable in the people a new self-confidence. Just a few years, many Peruvians had that "we are so poor" Discourse on it. This is no longer so straightforward: sustained economic growth for 10 years gave people the feeling that it go up. The triumphant advance of the Peruvian Gastronomy has helped. And since December 2010, Peru exhibit also a Nobel laureate, the writer Mario Vargas Llosa. What is missing is that the Peruvian national soccer team qualified for the next World Cup, and national pride can not be surpassed.

A further indication that many people no longer just fighting for survival at a time, the chaotic, crowded and air pollutant transport to Lima's public issue. The air and noise pollution, lack of public green spaces and recreational areas - all these are now publicly sensitive issues. The new mayor has Susana Villarán because even after they Took office in January banned the first minivan lines and more withdrawn the proposed industrialization of a vacation resort. Perhaps Lima as soon not only an energetic and adrenaline-pumping, but also a city worth living.

that this means also to take new considerations and to old habits, I learn the hard way. When I am in habit, to the side of the road turned and tried to stop a van stopped at simply no. "The can only hold at bus stops," explained a nice fellow citizens, the new regulation. Unfortunately he could not tell me, where is was the next stop .....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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As such, today certainly felt our horses in the paddock. Do not ask how the horses and we after one hour riding lessons on a partially frozen and thawing from the edge riding area looked like. And on this ground as possible any major railway figures were, it was stomach, thighs and buttocks (as our riding instructor sitting out with crossed stirrups calls) announced. Tomorrow I will have sore muscles. But it will. If the soil is better again, then again gallop training announced and eventually I mastered the horse so well that I can trust the site without there only ten paces.

Junkyard For Snowmobiles

3Freunde - February

Since February, the winter holidays is present, should a I have three friends in February the snow. However, it wanted to leave for a few days back and there I have no internet connection, so I shoot the picture before all the snow is gone.
has now melted away today, the storm almost all the snow. Fortunately we have a "snow storage" in the yard ;-). So, I quickly cross-country ski and sled draped on the snow mountain and here are my three friends for February:

The skiers I will hopefully in Reit im Winkl once again take on the feet, even if I firmly intend to make this year a Sikurs. With the sled sledding hopefully we will once more from the rear cabin to castle Blindau snow and there are hopefully a bit more than here.

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zwölf2011 - February

Last year I had the February photo already at 31.01. shot, because there was such a beautiful photo weather with snow and blue sky. This year, the warm air upset my plans. Today one can watch really like the warm licked away the snow storm. Thus, my image is no real winter in February image. Perhaps it is indeed the March picture ;-).

The oak in front of our house does not look wintry.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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The lucky winner

Our lucky winner Anne-Lena has sent us a photo of her Blogbasta Surprise package:)

We are very pleased that you like it so well!

your Blogbasta-girls

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Epson Salt For Hair Growth

Bon Voyage!

is (hopefully) well-packed, the "cup" of Mrs. Mutti today took to the journey. Where? This will not be betrayed. In wife mom you can find out where it landed.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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I wanted to tell you yet what there was in the large parcel which I received yesterday by K.. Finally, this package the occasion had finally found time to drink our cup of tea has long been planned together.
In the pack There was the cup from small village Blogger.

The cup of virtual coffee wife moms gossip has arrived. I had read in various blogs already about the size of the cup, but how big it actually is, I realized after unpacking. Thank you dear
Kathi that she was allowed to stay in Saxony.
now raised the question with which I fill this cup. For coffee it was just too big. After this amount would have given me a heart Kasper. For a sundae, still in a blog to me, it's just too cold. Elsewhere he was filled with chocolate pudding. Is not my case. Because of the weather would still offered mulled wine, but since I was indeed once the amount in your way.
why I decided to simply enjoy the Sunday buffet one of my delicious tea (in this case, mango-lime) from it. And so graced wife moms cup of our breakfast table.

I admit I have had to struggle a bit to drink that amount. Only time comparison as if I show you my normal teacup (shell).

love Pia, thank you for this great idea of the virtual coffee or Teeklatsches.

It's incredibly interesting to browse through the enclosed book.
After the lid of the carton is actually very stable slowly gives up the ghost, I will tomorrow after I am on our soil in search make an adequate substitute. An address for sending Next I've already picked out. I will not betray. A little surprise should already have it.
I wish the cup still a good transit and just wonder when it arrives back at the Lower Rhine.