Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can Herpes Appear On The Chest In Women

Lima reloaded 2011

Still Lima is the energetic, chaotic, sometimes unnerving metropolis I had left two years ago, and I am now returned a few things have changed since the one hand are the 10 -.. 20stöckigen tower blocks that built everywhere be. It seems very little room in Lima has been on parents and grandparents lived, and now that the economy is better able to meet anyone who can make the dream of their own home. And since Lima can not grow in width, it now grows in the air. Let us hope that the houses are earthquake-proof, because the next earthquake is determined here.

More generally noticeable in the people a new self-confidence. Just a few years, many Peruvians had that "we are so poor" Discourse on it. This is no longer so straightforward: sustained economic growth for 10 years gave people the feeling that it go up. The triumphant advance of the Peruvian Gastronomy has helped. And since December 2010, Peru exhibit also a Nobel laureate, the writer Mario Vargas Llosa. What is missing is that the Peruvian national soccer team qualified for the next World Cup, and national pride can not be surpassed.

A further indication that many people no longer just fighting for survival at a time, the chaotic, crowded and air pollutant transport to Lima's public issue. The air and noise pollution, lack of public green spaces and recreational areas - all these are now publicly sensitive issues. The new mayor has Susana Villarán because even after they Took office in January banned the first minivan lines and more withdrawn the proposed industrialization of a vacation resort. Perhaps Lima as soon not only an energetic and adrenaline-pumping, but also a city worth living.

that this means also to take new considerations and to old habits, I learn the hard way. When I am in habit, to the side of the road turned and tried to stop a van stopped at simply no. "The can only hold at bus stops," explained a nice fellow citizens, the new regulation. Unfortunately he could not tell me, where is was the next stop .....


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