Monday, February 21, 2011

Other Web Like Jibjab

Matt Taibbi: Why Is not Wall Street in Jail?

Very interesting interview with Ditfurth , including the influence of the USA on German domestic politics, Czem Özdemir Bilderberg ... uh ... picture-perfect career among others.
The title is a quote:

Ditfurth : Özdemir, 2002 was for the bonus miles affair and the scandal about a private loan he had received from the public relations consultant Hunzinger, disappeared for a while from the German public. He was in the U.S., funded by the German Marshall Fund, and has made a kind of additional training. Then followed the meteoric rise - and suddenly he's in all sorts of bodies that have always something to do with how Europe and Germany behave with the U.S.. In October 2010, Wikileaks published secret documents about 400,000 to the Iraq war. The Cem Özdemir was ethically questionable. But the Greens were times for transparency!

SPIEGEL ONLINE : Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Ditfurth : I have the influence of the U.S. government to local politicians and even experienced: When I was national chairman of the Greens wanted the U.S. State Department take contact with me. I said not interested. In my lecture tour in 1987 by the U.S., they have tried it anyway. At Georgetown University in Washington, I was suddenly in front of a packed audience - including plenty of Uniform and CIA employees. We have argued loudly - a former commandant of Berlin los shouted: "If we had wanted , it would have the Greens never existed! "....


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