Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chelsea Charms Retiring

12 years

12 years ago today, I had made myself from Munich on the way to my home to celebrate with my best friend carnival. Influenced by my father (was a few years in the Elferrat in my home town) was / am I a real Faschingsfan. Not my boyfriend wanted to, so I made my own on the way to Saxony. Since
K. member organizing Carnival Club was the evening we were a fairly large and colorful group. On the huge table but only a damsel and a knave, without accompaniment, and so did the two were together for this evening. Now you take it at the carnival with Flirterei and one or the other kiss is not as accurate. But this time it was different. Since I was traveling by car, I was able to eat except a beer drink anything, and yet I felt like walking on clouds. I think we have to dance in the morning by 4 clock, laughing and talking. Why I gave the miners my phone number, I can from now no more to say. Maybe my subconscious has already known what I had to admit yet. It had caught me.
The six-hour train ride back to Munich the next day were the worst of my life. I knew that in Munich C. standing on the platform and wait for me would. How should I confront him? Should I write the last 5.5 years just like that in the wind? Two tracks I wanted but we do not compete. I was to the following weekend has come back to Saxony to the squire's birthday party. On the other hand, I knew the miners to nothing. I had no opportunity to question my friend. It would run on a long distance relationship also. Did I do that? The thoughts circled carousel. I knew only that I had to have made a decision when I got off the train in Munich.
ultimately decided the belly, that I wanted to take the risk of a long relationship that had some sticking points in against the uncertainty. Since I prefer for an end to terror than terror without end am, I dropped the bombshell that same evening, shortly after the arrival of burst in my apartment. C. was flabbergasted when I told him that I wanted to call it quits. To make matters worse at the same moment also called the squire. The stalled for now.
The next weeks were not easy. The forester, no other was the squire, had my life to the Upside down. C. was more or less moved in with me. I do but could not get it moving from now on to just outside the door. I suffered with him because I knew how much I hurt him. (Dear C! Sorry! But it did not help)
On the other hand, I was on cloud nine. With the ranger there were so many similarities. It could actually be a mistake. Despite the determined, it lasted nine months until I was really sure that I made the right decision. Again and again I wondered if this love would take you the distance. Or I would have with C. but will pull together again. The emotional chaos that at times there was in me, can not be described. The forester had at this time is not always easy with me. When I read my letters from that time (yes we do (love) written letters and even eliminated), there are still so many a sigh. In retrospect, I know

: It was the right decision. How are together now for 12 years, of which married almost 9 years. Everyday life we share, however, only been seven years of plenty. That our love has overcome even this obstacle (I moved back only to Saxony, as his mother began for the protection of large forest child), is the best for me.

Dear U., I thank you for these twelve years.
And I am grateful to K. you've been at that time persuaded to come to the carnival. I think so still that she and H. have planned the whole thing. ;-)
I look forward to the next 12 years with you, which will hopefully continue on for many years.
And then we go together to the tea dance ;-)

With C., that would not have gone well. Unfortunately, I have completely lost it after moving to Saxony in the eyes. I like to know how he is today.


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