Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Switch Of Flash Light In E71

The Unfinished at the Madre de Dios

In the heart of South America, a quiet revolution going on. Until a few years, the Amazonian regions of each state development efforts were largely unencumbered. Peru looked to the Pacific, Brazil's big cities all along the Atlantic coast. The Amazon region was considered inaccessible paradise for some, for the other full of pitfalls. In any case, a land of great difficulty elevating natural treasures that only the foolhardy adventurer waved as a reward.
postponed until the world axis to the south. formerly the Latin American attention was directed to the north towards the U.S., it now depends on the one hand, Brazil and China on the other. Between the two lies the Pacific, the Andes and the ...... the Amazon. Today it is no more blood adventurers have to explore the Amazon. New highways provide rapid connection between the Atlantic and Pacific, and ensure that China will soon fatten cattle on Brazilian soy.
If today on the "Interoceánica of Rio Branco in the Brazilian state of Acre to the adjacent department of Madre de Dios in Peru goes, so you can do it in air-conditioned coach, the entlangzuckelt of fenced cattle ranches, which remind me almost to the native Allgäu.

Only the River Madre de Dios "seems to opening up its traffic engineering to resist with all their might: the suspension bridge over the River Madre de Dios" is finished after 6 years, not construction. The last anecdote: the quest on which the bridge is to be hung, showed cracks. Now engineers are studying the plans, the building stands still long and the bridge is unfinished, as held by threads of the "Madre de Dios River.

the Rio Madre de Dios in the Amazon highway takes some getting over. Abruptly comes to a halt the modernization and the pace is leisurely set back from the river in front of him driving. Every tree, every truck and every Machine must be individually geschippert across the river on ferries to hand craft. The ferries are barefoot guys who repair between two trips, or even while driving their small outboard motor and propeller. To the waiting truck drivers, a lively utilities and retailers clique has formed. upset because you must wait here anyway, you can also eat, drink a few beers, no use. The process established in the unfinished bridge abrupt deceleration leads to a different world, one that is in the time-saving completely meaningless.

However, if the Brazilian-Peruvian integration continues at this rate, it must Chinese cattle wait long for their food from Brazil!


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