Friday, December 31, 2010

Wireless Mouse On Dell E 520


As you know, I'm married to the forester. And as such he has a special interest in natural wood. Since leads to the point that we determined from almost any Central European Species a copy in the house.
Our visit of the Toll-Wood Festival has inspired him to be a special gift for me.
These five trailer I got from him to Nicholas (from left to right: Golden rain, elm (elm), apple, apple, plum)

After she liked me so well, he went into the "big" production.
These two (2x gold rain) I have not chosen.

received both my hopefully-soon-law each a pendant as a Christmas gift. Our mothers birthday soon and we know what we pay ;-).

These are a few more created by the followers (Beech, 2 x mountain maple, golden rain, mountain maple (figured), laburnum, sycamore).


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