Friday, December 31, 2010

Tica Caiman Ct 200 Spool Bearing Size?


In woman breeze I discover this Year in Review from last year. He's just short and sweet. Therefore, I've copied this year the questions simple.
here is my view to the year 2010:

Increased or decreased?
after a couple of pounds more in the summer to get longer on the old level of happiness
hair or shorter?

nearsighted or farsighted?
glasses strength thankfully remained the same

spent more or less?
more likely that children are growing and continue to grow fast (I feel)
I also treat myself since the spring riding lessons

hirnrissigste The plan?

most dangerous enterprise?
the small child in the forest holiday escape from the chalk marl

The best sex?
That goes to you for nothing!

The most expensive purchase?
my new leather jacket (I finally indulged him with)

The most delicious food?
the tapas in Spain at our child-free weekend

The most impressive book?
The trilogy by Stieg Larsson

The poignant film?
"Eat, Pray, Love" - was also the einsigste, which I have seen in the cinema

The best CD?
Norah Jones "... Featuring"

The most beautiful concert?
with children to get so bad for a show * sigh *

Most of the time spent with ...?
with my family

spent the best time to ...?
my husband on child-free weekend - as relaxing

The predominant feeling in 2010?

2010 did the first time?
riding lessons taken
brought a child to school

done in 2010 after a long time?
knitted with the knitting spool

3 things to which I would like well give up?
the heart attack my grandfather, the hospitalization of my father for Christmas and now probably over New Year, angry Fasel mistakes in work

The most important thing that I wanted to convince someone?
my grandfather, he leaves after his heart attack to drive a car (unfortunately it has provided only some time); at least he can now more often the car

The best gift that I made someone want?
the self-painted plate for the forester

The best gift that someone gave me?
my employer with a permanent contract

The most beautiful sentence that someone said to me?
You are the dearest Mom, even if you scold! (The great forest child)

The most beautiful sentence that I said to someone?
I love you!

2010 was with one word ...?

I wish you all a Happy New Year and a Happy 2011!
Until then
your forester's wife
We will celebrate with my best friend with four couples and four children, of course, with a few rockets and sparklers.

Wireless Mouse On Dell E 520


As you know, I'm married to the forester. And as such he has a special interest in natural wood. Since leads to the point that we determined from almost any Central European Species a copy in the house.
Our visit of the Toll-Wood Festival has inspired him to be a special gift for me.
These five trailer I got from him to Nicholas (from left to right: Golden rain, elm (elm), apple, apple, plum)

After she liked me so well, he went into the "big" production.
These two (2x gold rain) I have not chosen.

received both my hopefully-soon-law each a pendant as a Christmas gift. Our mothers birthday soon and we know what we pay ;-).

These are a few more created by the followers (Beech, 2 x mountain maple, golden rain, mountain maple (figured), laburnum, sycamore).

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lower Hip Tattoos Stars

Christmas Review - II

On 24 Early Christmas tree decoration traditionally is on the agenda. This year, it could hardly expect the forest children, until I had secured the candles (real). Finally, she had baked with Grandma Essknete Christmas tree ornaments.

Unfortunately "disappears" the beautiful decorations on this photo.

This wonderful idea I found on the blog of woman breeze. Maybe that's an idea for next year. They should not only be kept in a box. Then the sugar mixture becomes soft and sticky.

Despite the quite nasty weather (drizzle on the cold floor) our guests found their way to us. Fortunately, it then began to snow.
The gifts for the forest children were a great success, especially the treasure chests.

When done in the evening our guests on the way home, had the Wood children blissfully dreaming lay in their beds, I had time at last with a glass of wine to open my gnome packages.

First, the package from the Chitime-elves :

It came from Sari - a me to previously unknown blogger. There were countless Austechformen, a book of recipes for biscuits and a bar of white Lindor (previously unknown to me) to light. Once again, thank you love

The second pixies where I attended, was the gnomes of Imp blog.

The Weihnachtsmöve makes me suspicious. I had seen on any blog already. Before I could do but to look, I discovered in my reader the solution. Tonari woman has in fact outed on her blog.
When you open the packet flowed toward me a very intense aroma. The source was soon in the wonderful bath bomb found in the bag. It was the way already "verbadet" - fantastic.
The rest (bathing water color and Zauberbad) is more for the children and is still waiting for forest use.
Thanks again! I'm looking forward to April.

The Third Secret Santa organized Jana and Maren.

came here a very chocolaty package Claudia : a chocolate fondue, chocolate and a whole recipe book on chocolate. Thank you!

On Christmas Day, it looked at our front door like this:

Over an hour was the forester with shovels and auto defrost busy. We were expected to goose dinner with my parents.

In the time I ventured a look into the garden.

The brown "mountain" in the background is my outdoor hibiscus as an arc lamp. From the snow mountain at the left edge of the children had dug up the last of the small forest child's pedal tractor, which we had not cleared away in time.

Here are some impressions from the snowy mountains to the forest home of Boxing Day

The forest children in their snow hiding

Slipped snow from the roof + geschippter the Court

Here is my / our cards from the blogger world

Thanks to Jule, Monique, Jana , Alia (daughter of Bonafilia ) Carmen, Olga and Deborha.

And this idea of the forester, I would not deprive you:

Finally comes the
forester Baumgarten from Grüna.

THANK YOU for holding out!

Ceramic Steel Vs Diamond Steel

joy and sorrow

The best photo of you but yesterday I actually withheld.

today while visiting my father-in Vogtland, it looked like this:

Even the whole way there We have admired the frosted trees and sleet.

After my father was discharged yesterday from the hospital, he had this evening by his nephew can go there again. Beautiful Sch ...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Commercial Licenseontario

Christmas Review - I

After the birth of the great forest child now the last "holiday" is over, I had to finally take the time and leisure to look back on our Christmas this year.
Am 22.12. was still our obligatory visit to the Chemnitz Christmas Market on the program.

The pyramid

Behind the Jacobi Church

I love the Renaissance Faire.

There are many crafts booths and delicious food.
And there is not the usual "Christmas music" and the lighting is subdued. There is even a "bath house" with a tub in the bath can be like the old days. Of which there are no photos. I want to compromise anyone.
For the children this was the attraction

The old carousel looked very tempting from

Unfortunately, it turns at the end as fast as a Kettenkarsell. The big forest not the child tolerated. You go relatively quickly very quietly in her "chair" and wanted to get out. However, it was too late. She had her dinner, go back through the head. Our poor mouse. The little forest child has it mattered.

Am 23.12. was the last gift of the forest children personally delivered here.

Are not the great. Dear Catherine thanks again! The forest children were very happy.
With the last post on 24.12. was also my last still missing gnome package to me. Actually, I wanted my three elves package as a prelude to the party after the decorating of the tree box. But there were so many little things done irgndwie until the Einteffen our guests (my parents, little brother, little chemistry with his girlfriend and mother of Försers with her husband) that I never got. More
there tomorrow.

Stand Up Bathtubscost


If woman wakes up in the morning and active trated when looking out the window, bright blue skies with sunshine and biting cold, there's really only one choice:

into the forest and

up on the boards.

The shoes were found quickly. Just wanted to ski does not arrive. After I searched for half an hour our soil and cast a look in the shed, was really only one possibility: After our last winter vacation my dad had transported the ski in its roof box home. Probably I have not yet been collected there.
A quick call brought certainty. They stood still with my dad in the garage. Fortunately, there are only 20 minutes by car down to my more advanced. So purely in the car (we needed more bread) and down to my parents.
Such was the afternoon an excursion into the woods in front of the house no more obstacles.

runs through the middle of the forest, the old railway line Wüstenbrand - Chemnitz-Borna, on the long train runs no more. Through the shadow of the forest grows to the railway embankment almost not so that it in the winter with enough snow for skiers can be used. Only traces we need
itself ;-) But you can be a whole range relative glide indicated.

It was just a dream: the sun, snow and cold air. Clear the "shutdown" after almost a year was a little uncertainty, but after a while it got better. The soreness will greet tomorrow.
I really wanted this year in the winter holiday finally get to alpine skiing. But the cross-country appeals to me already too. There is simply superb runs in Reit im Winkel.
did I still decide to me some time.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Star Wars Polly Pockets

A little greeting ...

your BlogBasta-girls!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

City Designer Freeware Alternative


Recent gifts have arrived here today (Thanks again Catherine. The sweaters are to fall in love.) And packaged. Tomorrow, only even the Christmas tree be erected, and decorated, then you can bring the grandparents and uncle.
Also the last elf pack arrived today. The sender / the sender tells me nothing. I'm looking forward to the content. Tomorrow I may then unpack three packages separately.
images can there be here again when I have created space on the hard disk. At the moment, in the area for images no more room.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a few quiet days!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Mandingo The Best Free

Imp actions

has the great Yesterday Forest child's card for their child elf (from) written and decorated.

today then came Alexander Imp Post and my map of Carmen (Paula). Thank you!

was great today, then unpacking the Gnome packages to the children.

Extracting not fast enough . Go

So many packages!

The large forest children enjoyed a great shirt. The sleeves are still a little long, but it fits more.

were also for the Recycling rubber animals and a Piratenbad and chocolate us Great (very tasty).
Thank you dear Lydia and I love Tonni !

The small forest child marvels at the many gifts from his pack.

stories from Munich came from Astrid Lindgren, treasure stones, tattoos and gummy bears (traffic light man) for him here.
for both children or more for large forest child is probably the Zauberfeenbad. The Dresden essence Care in cocoa and vanilla, I have reserved me. The (drinking) chocolate is divided. Many thanks to family future love for this (eastern) Greetings from Munich, my second home.

And now I go to see whether our children have now been unpacked elf too.