Sunday, April 8, 2007

Kidde Smoke Alarm 1 Beep

a family party family celebration two polar bear Knut

? Ne the Dell is just now was not there yet? "
"That's a dent? Let me look ma"
"What? A Dent? Can not be true? "

When really all ran over this indentation, except from me, was the speculation going on! How did the dent there? If they stay there? One made sure again whether it is really a dent acted.
I find the mother was sitting in my buddies and we laughed at us both dumb and stupid.

It was really big show, tomorrow goes with those in the zoo. I'm there!

When I told my own mother, I go to the zoo, she was totally out of line!

"What, you go to zoo? You pulling my leg? "
" No, what is there so unusual? "
" You're never in the zoo! "

What can I say, she's right, I was in the late 90's the last time at the zoo. Why am I going Easter with a foreign family in the zoo and not with my own? I do not know, I like my family yet, somehow, I would go with that but never in the zoo. Vllt this is a sign that you have had enough and really want to be different for someone.


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