Monday, April 9, 2007

Does Eyeshadow Have To Match Blush?


Well, who does not know jokes. I personally find many funny at first, but so far I have not one to remember over the years. As stultifying and stupid is it to tell what, but all the more exhilarating, if sometimes a sense of humor right in the center stands.
I check it out.

"A blonde calls her boyfriend to work on," Honey, I have a puzzle, but I can not. Each piece is unique. "Your friend:" Do you have a template "" Yes, a red rooster on the box?. But it works just not "your friend". Reg 'up to do not we try it together today evening, "the evening he looks at the Big Box of silence ..... Then he says: "So now we will pack the corn flakes back on and not talk about it!"

I'm sorry for this blonde tasteless joke. I am ashamed.


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