Monday, March 12, 2007

Lasagne Cheese Has Mold

"The value of a man is measured reliably in the shaping of his free time"

Take this quote times as a springboard for this task. Ermütigt by many friends who also have a blog, urged me within, to create one.

If one puts together a blog so, ask me a lot more than the one normally imagines. Besides the perfect Farkombination, the appropriate font size, the agony of the correct name, they ask themselves "Why, am I actually doing here?"
Why do I do that here? So that it reads someone? This torment me no more nightmares and psychosis time through the thick ice cover leak out? Hardly!
Ums In short, I have too much time. I had two alternatives, either a) I create a blog and submit myself to my desire to tell a lot of rubbish, or b) staring at walls. The choice of hard lot, but I'll bet you recognize how it ended.

seriously: Of course, many have read it. Their views say and joy have to spend your free time with my life.
course, you can write about anything. The invention of the wheel, the invention of radio, the invention of the rider and / or the thumb screws in the Middle Ages. Here is
can read it all. consider

To quote again in more detail. It is striking how provocative acts that statement, but it is so absurd?
There are young talented people who really spend every weekend in clubs and bars, they to pour the brine and then try to verify the TÜV-tested top speed of its two golf again very carefully. If the value? Does this make sense?
There is also the opposite. Monika is 8 years old and plays piano, she plays very nice. She laughs inwardly already on the arts Shostakovich. It will give 16 concerts, grandmothers make you cry and force the first edition of the Gala-Bravo.
If the value? Does this make sense?

We are all only realize when we are dead.


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