Thursday, March 15, 2007

Clifford Reprogram How To

The mystery of the woman's magazine ...

As I let me lie, just before 1 o'clock afternoon at the tram stop, got up, I saw the following poster. This poster came from a not appointed by me women's magazine.

addition to the delightful young lady on the cover showed more striking point on the cover.
On the left is treated the issue of misery in the relationship, "on the right, a headline" The diet that really works "in this ad was following" How do they not let themselves be manipulated by advertising, "and just below Products for women in the test, should buy.

What is this? Are women that stupid?
is first referred to the dissatisfaction in the relationship, then suggests that one is to blame. To feign a little self confidence, tips are given on how to defend themselves against the contagious desire to consume and then this knowledge gained in the same self-image transferred to another account. Actually a smart idea, strangely the same.
Is that also on the theme "Where can I get a wife?" We must wait and hope


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