Thursday, March 22, 2007

Does Tea Cause Preterm Labor

British intelligence Heavy Metal

Gifted students listen to Heavy Metal. The British University of Warwick found that neither Brahms nor Miles Davis, but the music of Slayer and Slipknot to the favorites of youthful intelligence too.

York (bb) - According to a study by the State University of Warwick school gifted young people prefer to choose their music, Heavy Metal. The responsible psychologist Stuart Cadwallader presented his findings today at the conference of the British Psychological Society in York. Together with his team, he interviewed more than 1,000 members of the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth, an organization that recruits its members from among the top five percent of British students aged between 11 and 19 years.
More than a third of respondents reported heavy metal as one of their favorite music. Thus, the outsider saved money was tied with rock and pop. Far behind it was the cliche of the geek music, jazz and classical music, according to a report of the Independent.
the fact that the most gifted students tend to be more brutal and provocative music, is explained as follows Cadwallader: "Perhaps gifted people experience more pressure and a lot of frustration and need the music but rather a valve to let their emotions run free."

what extent the choice of hard music preference says something about the IQ of the subjects or whether they rather depend on fashion trends, not cleared the study. Nevertheless, they help clean up the prejudice, that Heavy Metal is a style of music is for the underprivileged.



Vllt are intelligent students due to work pressure and frustration almost forced sometimes to let off steam. Those who have nothing else, listening to music. Who has nothing and is still really mad, is not permanently be happy with hit.

Well, seis drum. A study shows that that Heavy Metal has a wider circle of influence, as we assumed, is the first step in the right direction.


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