Friday, May 16, 2008

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counter summit

While the leaders in the sealed National Museum, the people take on the site the Technical University in Lima. So at least it is in the program: the social Cumbre los Pueblos - Social Summit of the people. Hold, the equation is not quite. But are the leaders who come together, long ago no more evil dictators, but legally elected by the people Democrats. So who is this people who are themselves because at the Technical University of rendezvous? There are the losers today, the Peruvian Prime Minister Jorge del Castillo said on television. He was referring to the losers of the last presidential elections in Peru, especially the small left Parteien.Dabei del Castillo is not entirely wrong. At the Technical College to meet those who see themselves as losers or to their legal To raise to represent their interests. However, not as a loser in the last elections, but the loser of the prevailing economic model: globalization's losers, losers of free trade, the losers of a mono-cultural modernization strategy. The losers, it really would be impossible in the eyes of the Peruvian government. The means, namely, that occurring due to free trade and the generous support of foreign investment development and prosperity for all.

Who is this concrete, which do not agree: Indian tribes from all over Peru and communities from places where gold is mined and oil is drilled, global justice students from Latin America and Europe, members of all possible left splinter groups, women organizations, local and regional environmental initiatives, women who sell their homemade crafts, trade unionists, journalists, alternative media, Peruvian non-governmental organizations and representatives of European aid organizations and grassroots groups such as ATTAC. All in all a very colorful and with 4,000 registered participants and great people. Stained by that fact alone, because the representatives of indigenous peoples have appeared in their costumes. Because of the colorful flags that are carried around everywhere. Be it the Wiphala, the ancient Inca flag, it was a flag with the icon, "Che" or slogans like "Down with imperialism, "particularly striking in this counter-summit. the large presence of indigenous groups of local initiatives that call for the re-evaluation of their Indian culture

you all have in common is that they leave the fate of their country not just their elected representatives. . do new that is not the so-called counter-summit or alternative summit have a tradition No meeting of heads of government, without alternative summit and demonstrations Ironically, the whole thing is if there is cross-border workers under the President's in Latin America is the case:.... the Bolivian President Evo Morales and his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chávez regularly commute between the official and alternative GIPF back and forth. This is also the alternative summit in Lima.
While the left MEP Helmut Markov to a panel under the open sky, the Latin Americans to call, so are expected to sign an FTA with the EU grows and grows a queue of people behind him. Men, women, young, old, see if there is something to eat? Certainly not. "We are at the football game," says Juan, who came with his son. At 6 clock that is a special match is announced: Bolivian President Evo Morales himself will kick against the old boys-national team of Peru. "I especially want to see a good match," says Juan. The rumor states that Maradona would play along and maybe even Hugo Chávez. Although only playing baseball, is defended but strong: "Your Chancellor Angela Merkel would not take him to attack, it has not been shown as a country lady," Juan said the failures of Hugo Chávez against Angela Merkel.

Maradona was not the way to a match, Hugo Chávez not. Nevertheless, high spirits and Evo Morales even brought a penalty kick into the goal, before returning his official Inca leather-jacket suit and drove to the Presidential Summit, to greet his colleagues in style.


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