Friday, May 16, 2008

Best Hiking Bag Camera

Clima Latino

Sometimes you might think that the Presidential Summit and the People's Summit only differ in form and color, but not necessarily in his concerns. From the air, at least, has been everywhere talking.

found on Thursday morning on the counter-summit, the Forum "For a new environmental agenda" instead, a self-organized over 50 events. Were invited to the Peruvian mining critical network muqui Red and the Peruvian Environmental Network.
independent experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations made proposals to protect the environment. Thus spoke the agricultural engineer Jaime Llosa on the air walls, and l like Peru can adjust to it. As the tropical glaciers in Peru to melt due to global warming to the water balance fundamental change. Which river valleys are first lot of water - namely, the melting water of glaciers - and then have to dry? How did the desert metropolis Lima in the future will supply water? Jaime Llosa had very specific proposals: the Inca and other pre-colonial peoples knew an elaborate water storage system. If much rain falls, it will be for as long as possible for the dry days. About 40 old dams and reservoirs are now inoperative. With the current climate of this ancient knowledge wiürde relevant than ever. Who should pay for it? "Who caused the damage, it must resolve it," commented Jaime Llosa. The culprits are in this Case, the highly industrialized countries of the North with its high energy consumption.

This was also consensus on a completely different event. The German Agency for Technical Cooperation, the Peruvian Environmental Protection Agency and the Peruvian government development agency APCI to the forum had "consequences of climate change for Latin America and the Caribbean" invited to the elegant hotel. Only invited guests were able to pass through the police barriers, the Swissotel was the red carpet rolled out. Not for us, but for Angela Merkel, who was also descended, and which was announced this so-called "side-event of the summit (but ultimately did not). The jeans were all left here at home. At these events, the men step classically uniform in a suit and tie on - and they were, at least on the podium, here among themselves. Another important difference between the alternative summit: almost all the guests of Swissotel looked European - so white-skinned -, while the alternative summit, indigenous representatives, a large group formed.
Apart from these differences, the concern was the same as at the Technical University. No one in the climate change issue and not who is responsible in the first place: the highly industrialized countries. The German CSU MEPs Christian Ruck had mainly a concern: the preservation of the Amazon rain forest, one of the large lungs of the world. Should flow into it a large share of revenues from the CO2 trading.
The other speakers of the Latin American Economic Commission ECLAC agreed in their diagnosis. They questioned the impact of climate change on economies, and especially on the poorest of the continent to the forefront. José Luis Machinea, General Secretary of the Economic Commission, expressed his expectations of the European Union to the point: the EU countries should apply the same environmentally friendly technologies in Latin America, as they do at home. And they should not force the country by imposing conditions to protect the environment, but also create increased incentives. The underlying tension was not pronounced: the poor of Latin America want to partake in the blessings of the development. If the EU wants, however, that the Latin American countries get their nature, they have to show ways and provide the means to lead people out of poverty without damaging the environment further. How this can help a free trade agreement between EU and Latin America - this question, the speakers were guilty. days


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