Thursday, May 15, 2008

Clip Art Man Opening Garage Door

Summit dizziness

Lima wraps himself in his early wintry gray. No ray of sunshine you can see, you look only at the belly of a donkey, like the famous Peruvian poet Cesar Vallejo has described the leaden sky of Lima. Just the right weather summit. Starts today in Lima on a bi-annual EU-Latin America summit. Big rally at the airport Jorge Chávez in Lima. Yesterday was already at the Polish Prime Minister and EU Commission President. Today, then José Luis Zapatero of Spain, Evo Morales of Bolivia, Cristina Fernández Kirchner of Argentina and a lot more heads of state from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union. Uncrowned star is Angela Merkel. First, because they target a media-effective failure of the Venezuelan media President was. And secondly, because the competition stays away: neither Nicolas Sarkozy (and not his wife Carla Bruni), nor Gordon Brown of Great Britain nor the newly re-elected Italian Silvio Berlusconi come to the EU-Latin America summit in Lima. Angela Merkel, with its 24 flying visit to say the star of the EU heads of state.
To talk about climate change, the environment and the alleviation of poverty, they come to Lima. Only the inhabitants of Lima get them with little. They were in fact sent on holiday, not to interfere in a long weekend to a meeting of heads of state. "Yes, get the president to know Peru, our great Country, "told me my newspaper vendor. The young lady at the Internet cabin, however, is convinced that the president come this week for the APEC summit, so the peak of Pazifk coastal states. The is also, however, only 5 months later, in October. "I look at it quickly on the Internet for," said Katia from the Internet back to my doubts. "Certainly, this is the APEC summit," she said after her Google research later in the sound of a top teacher. I it leaves in error. Finally, hanging in front of my apartment for months, a large street banner reading "Welcome to APEC in Pueblo Libre." No wonder that my neighbors do not know what is the European Union here.
Ultimately, says the lapse of my neighbors, as well as the lack of interest in the European media in this summit, a lot more good than any fine words of political mouth. Latin America is neither commercially nor politically moderate for the European Union a priority, and also for Latin America in recent decades the U.S. and now increasingly China, the most important and dynamic trading partner. Mag to come, the Peruvian government has conducted little public promotion of the EU summit. Perhaps because the Peruvian President Alan Garcia is upset because the EU's desire for a bilateral free trade agreement between Peru and the EU does not yet give way. The EU is negotiating only "en bloc". In the case of Latin America, these "blocks", however unruly or rather forced communities. Mercosur, which includes the large economies of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela recently, refused to sign a free trade agreement, unless the EU does not reduce its agricultural subsidies. And the other, much smaller block, the Andean Community, is primarily a non-community. The leftist governments of Bolivia and Ecuador are in their views about the blessings of free trade for their people fiercely hostile to the governments of Colombia and even the host country Peru.

The real interests of Europe in Latin America has shown itself for even in these days: the climate does it. Latin America has a large rain forest, not to forbear for the rapid decline of the global climate. And Latin America, with its high economic growth has become more attractive for foreign investment. There are the Europeans, especially the Spaniards, yet well represented. Anyone using a telephone in Peru in the hand, takes to open a bank account or in Lima operated the light switch, which I know can speak. Everything firmly in English hands.

climate and shops, these are the priorities of the summit and there are also the new interests of Europe as far from the otherwise related to Latin America.

What is the alternative summit "of the Social Summit . People "to think that in my next blog entry


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