Saturday, May 17, 2008

Black Flakes In Water Pipes

People's Court l

At Tauccamarca I remember as if it were yesterday. On 22 October 1999 occurred in the Andean village Tauccamarca a tragedy. 44 school children had accidentally taken with their school milk, a highly toxic pesticide. 24 of the children died, others are still suffering from the after-effects. The sequence of events was reconstructed quickly: it was a tragic mix-up of milk and pesticide bag. The contents of the bag, however, was explosive. It was the highly toxic para Transportation. And this product was in Peru by the German company Bayer marketed. The distribution and sale were legal under Peruvian law - but the handling of the distribution showed some negligence. The Transportation Para-bags were also awarded in the Quechua-speaking areas in Peru only in English. Many of the farmers in villages like Tauccamarca also can not read or write. The Para Transportation was distributed and sold as loose as if it were for milk powder.
The victims of the tragedy then, the company sued Bayer for damages. The suit was rejected by the Peruvian court for formal reasons, and Bayer has never admitted responsibility for the tragedy. The parents of the dead children are still waiting for a redress by both the Peruvian State as from the company Bayer.

Her case is one of 20 cases that were brought before the tribunal of nations, which met during the Alternative Summit. 20 multinational companies of European origin have been accused of human rights violations. Bayer is in good company. Accused include Swiss-based Syngenta for their handling of protesters in Brazil, the Norwegian agricultural exporters Camposol for anti-union policy in Peru, the English oil company Repsol for its actions against indigenous communities in Argentina, Ecuador and Brazil.

The Peoples' Tribunal is an initiative of the Italian left from the year 1976, so that the tradition the Russell Tribunals against the Vietnam war took up again. Since then, this unofficial court many times and met very moral judgments, most recently in Bogota on the rights of indigenous peoples in Colombia.
the court is composed from 5 European politicians and activists, as well as 7 representatives of Latin American social movements and leftist parties.
chairman of the court in Lima is the Belgian Catholic priest and emeritus professor of sociology Francois Houtart. "Both of the alternative summit, as well as the tribunal of the people give them a voice at the Summit of Presidents are not present," he said to our questions. The Peoples' Tribunal is a Tribunal review and adopts moral judgments that are received by the public opinion.
What could be changed by that? "Of course, companies can and should change their practices, but basically it's about the logic of the system that destroys the nature and work."
particularly impressed by Francois Houtart the case of the English oil company Repsol. She is active in many Latin American countries and leave all the same problems: pollution of the environment and displacement of indigenous communities.

The court ordered for the conduct of the company, which would CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT by states and international institutions. In this respect, calls it is the States of the European Union to demand binding rules of conduct of their private companies. As a concrete measure
also requested the Court that the UN appoint a Special Rapporteur on violations against the economic, social and cultural human rights.

Victoriano Huarayo Tauccamarca from two of his children have lost in the accident. Bravely, he stops at the entrance of the Technical University to be high sign with the company he so directs Bayer to admit its responsibility. The verdict of the tribunal of nations is a small step toward bringing that his fate is not forgotten.

Friday, May 16, 2008

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Clima Latino

Sometimes you might think that the Presidential Summit and the People's Summit only differ in form and color, but not necessarily in his concerns. From the air, at least, has been everywhere talking.

found on Thursday morning on the counter-summit, the Forum "For a new environmental agenda" instead, a self-organized over 50 events. Were invited to the Peruvian mining critical network muqui Red and the Peruvian Environmental Network.
independent experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations made proposals to protect the environment. Thus spoke the agricultural engineer Jaime Llosa on the air walls, and l like Peru can adjust to it. As the tropical glaciers in Peru to melt due to global warming to the water balance fundamental change. Which river valleys are first lot of water - namely, the melting water of glaciers - and then have to dry? How did the desert metropolis Lima in the future will supply water? Jaime Llosa had very specific proposals: the Inca and other pre-colonial peoples knew an elaborate water storage system. If much rain falls, it will be for as long as possible for the dry days. About 40 old dams and reservoirs are now inoperative. With the current climate of this ancient knowledge wiürde relevant than ever. Who should pay for it? "Who caused the damage, it must resolve it," commented Jaime Llosa. The culprits are in this Case, the highly industrialized countries of the North with its high energy consumption.

This was also consensus on a completely different event. The German Agency for Technical Cooperation, the Peruvian Environmental Protection Agency and the Peruvian government development agency APCI to the forum had "consequences of climate change for Latin America and the Caribbean" invited to the elegant hotel. Only invited guests were able to pass through the police barriers, the Swissotel was the red carpet rolled out. Not for us, but for Angela Merkel, who was also descended, and which was announced this so-called "side-event of the summit (but ultimately did not). The jeans were all left here at home. At these events, the men step classically uniform in a suit and tie on - and they were, at least on the podium, here among themselves. Another important difference between the alternative summit: almost all the guests of Swissotel looked European - so white-skinned -, while the alternative summit, indigenous representatives, a large group formed.
Apart from these differences, the concern was the same as at the Technical University. No one in the climate change issue and not who is responsible in the first place: the highly industrialized countries. The German CSU MEPs Christian Ruck had mainly a concern: the preservation of the Amazon rain forest, one of the large lungs of the world. Should flow into it a large share of revenues from the CO2 trading.
The other speakers of the Latin American Economic Commission ECLAC agreed in their diagnosis. They questioned the impact of climate change on economies, and especially on the poorest of the continent to the forefront. José Luis Machinea, General Secretary of the Economic Commission, expressed his expectations of the European Union to the point: the EU countries should apply the same environmentally friendly technologies in Latin America, as they do at home. And they should not force the country by imposing conditions to protect the environment, but also create increased incentives. The underlying tension was not pronounced: the poor of Latin America want to partake in the blessings of the development. If the EU wants, however, that the Latin American countries get their nature, they have to show ways and provide the means to lead people out of poverty without damaging the environment further. How this can help a free trade agreement between EU and Latin America - this question, the speakers were guilty. days

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counter summit

While the leaders in the sealed National Museum, the people take on the site the Technical University in Lima. So at least it is in the program: the social Cumbre los Pueblos - Social Summit of the people. Hold, the equation is not quite. But are the leaders who come together, long ago no more evil dictators, but legally elected by the people Democrats. So who is this people who are themselves because at the Technical University of rendezvous? There are the losers today, the Peruvian Prime Minister Jorge del Castillo said on television. He was referring to the losers of the last presidential elections in Peru, especially the small left Parteien.Dabei del Castillo is not entirely wrong. At the Technical College to meet those who see themselves as losers or to their legal To raise to represent their interests. However, not as a loser in the last elections, but the loser of the prevailing economic model: globalization's losers, losers of free trade, the losers of a mono-cultural modernization strategy. The losers, it really would be impossible in the eyes of the Peruvian government. The means, namely, that occurring due to free trade and the generous support of foreign investment development and prosperity for all.

Who is this concrete, which do not agree: Indian tribes from all over Peru and communities from places where gold is mined and oil is drilled, global justice students from Latin America and Europe, members of all possible left splinter groups, women organizations, local and regional environmental initiatives, women who sell their homemade crafts, trade unionists, journalists, alternative media, Peruvian non-governmental organizations and representatives of European aid organizations and grassroots groups such as ATTAC. All in all a very colorful and with 4,000 registered participants and great people. Stained by that fact alone, because the representatives of indigenous peoples have appeared in their costumes. Because of the colorful flags that are carried around everywhere. Be it the Wiphala, the ancient Inca flag, it was a flag with the icon, "Che" or slogans like "Down with imperialism, "particularly striking in this counter-summit. the large presence of indigenous groups of local initiatives that call for the re-evaluation of their Indian culture

you all have in common is that they leave the fate of their country not just their elected representatives. . do new that is not the so-called counter-summit or alternative summit have a tradition No meeting of heads of government, without alternative summit and demonstrations Ironically, the whole thing is if there is cross-border workers under the President's in Latin America is the case:.... the Bolivian President Evo Morales and his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chávez regularly commute between the official and alternative GIPF back and forth. This is also the alternative summit in Lima.
While the left MEP Helmut Markov to a panel under the open sky, the Latin Americans to call, so are expected to sign an FTA with the EU grows and grows a queue of people behind him. Men, women, young, old, see if there is something to eat? Certainly not. "We are at the football game," says Juan, who came with his son. At 6 clock that is a special match is announced: Bolivian President Evo Morales himself will kick against the old boys-national team of Peru. "I especially want to see a good match," says Juan. The rumor states that Maradona would play along and maybe even Hugo Chávez. Although only playing baseball, is defended but strong: "Your Chancellor Angela Merkel would not take him to attack, it has not been shown as a country lady," Juan said the failures of Hugo Chávez against Angela Merkel.

Maradona was not the way to a match, Hugo Chávez not. Nevertheless, high spirits and Evo Morales even brought a penalty kick into the goal, before returning his official Inca leather-jacket suit and drove to the Presidential Summit, to greet his colleagues in style.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

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Summit dizziness

Lima wraps himself in his early wintry gray. No ray of sunshine you can see, you look only at the belly of a donkey, like the famous Peruvian poet Cesar Vallejo has described the leaden sky of Lima. Just the right weather summit. Starts today in Lima on a bi-annual EU-Latin America summit. Big rally at the airport Jorge Chávez in Lima. Yesterday was already at the Polish Prime Minister and EU Commission President. Today, then José Luis Zapatero of Spain, Evo Morales of Bolivia, Cristina Fernández Kirchner of Argentina and a lot more heads of state from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union. Uncrowned star is Angela Merkel. First, because they target a media-effective failure of the Venezuelan media President was. And secondly, because the competition stays away: neither Nicolas Sarkozy (and not his wife Carla Bruni), nor Gordon Brown of Great Britain nor the newly re-elected Italian Silvio Berlusconi come to the EU-Latin America summit in Lima. Angela Merkel, with its 24 flying visit to say the star of the EU heads of state.
To talk about climate change, the environment and the alleviation of poverty, they come to Lima. Only the inhabitants of Lima get them with little. They were in fact sent on holiday, not to interfere in a long weekend to a meeting of heads of state. "Yes, get the president to know Peru, our great Country, "told me my newspaper vendor. The young lady at the Internet cabin, however, is convinced that the president come this week for the APEC summit, so the peak of Pazifk coastal states. The is also, however, only 5 months later, in October. "I look at it quickly on the Internet for," said Katia from the Internet back to my doubts. "Certainly, this is the APEC summit," she said after her Google research later in the sound of a top teacher. I it leaves in error. Finally, hanging in front of my apartment for months, a large street banner reading "Welcome to APEC in Pueblo Libre." No wonder that my neighbors do not know what is the European Union here.
Ultimately, says the lapse of my neighbors, as well as the lack of interest in the European media in this summit, a lot more good than any fine words of political mouth. Latin America is neither commercially nor politically moderate for the European Union a priority, and also for Latin America in recent decades the U.S. and now increasingly China, the most important and dynamic trading partner. Mag to come, the Peruvian government has conducted little public promotion of the EU summit. Perhaps because the Peruvian President Alan Garcia is upset because the EU's desire for a bilateral free trade agreement between Peru and the EU does not yet give way. The EU is negotiating only "en bloc". In the case of Latin America, these "blocks", however unruly or rather forced communities. Mercosur, which includes the large economies of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela recently, refused to sign a free trade agreement, unless the EU does not reduce its agricultural subsidies. And the other, much smaller block, the Andean Community, is primarily a non-community. The leftist governments of Bolivia and Ecuador are in their views about the blessings of free trade for their people fiercely hostile to the governments of Colombia and even the host country Peru.

The real interests of Europe in Latin America has shown itself for even in these days: the climate does it. Latin America has a large rain forest, not to forbear for the rapid decline of the global climate. And Latin America, with its high economic growth has become more attractive for foreign investment. There are the Europeans, especially the Spaniards, yet well represented. Anyone using a telephone in Peru in the hand, takes to open a bank account or in Lima operated the light switch, which I know can speak. Everything firmly in English hands.

climate and shops, these are the priorities of the summit and there are also the new interests of Europe as far from the otherwise related to Latin America.

What is the alternative summit "of the Social Summit . People "to think that in my next blog entry