Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How To Get Rid Of A Baby's Flem

wellness Pastoral

Or Peruvian strategies against the loss of membership in the Catholic Church

(photo: Martin Steffen)

Paula Bermudez is a strong woman. Have them hanging prints on my feet, I would sometimes like to scream. These were strained my meridians, she answers me happy. And while gently, or less gently, my blocked energy zones open again, she tells me about their lives. 48 years old she is, mother of a grown son who has just completed his training as a midwife. Paula lives in one of the great slums of Lima and earned their living with foot reflexology. Just as clever as she massaged my feet, she brings the conversation to me: what I do, how is my life if I was happy. Do I believe in God. We quickly to the subject of church and theology and Paula keeps me a long lecture about the importance of Marian devotion in the early church. Paula is a voluntary medical worker, a Catholic, as she points out. This must be in Peru now to say. In the last 40 years the Catholic Church in Latin America experienced a steady decline in membership. Recently, Peru was still considered a good Catholic home country, saw that some bishops as their fief. Today, even the Peruvian Bishops' Conference is only 80% of Catholics in Peru. But it's not as if the remaining 20% are now ready to fall from God faith. Most of the breakaway Catholics find in evangelical churches for a new home. "Asamblea de Dios", "Alianza Misiones" or "church of Jerusalem, called the small to large evangelical churches. They have in common is that they come with their dedicated lay missionaries to the remotest poor neighborhood and that against their Bible argument commonly as a Catholic is not important.

(photo: Martin Steffen)

Sebastián Abanto This also has felt firsthand. The 54-year-old carpenter and father, like Paula Bermudez member of the group "Servicio Biblico Católico", a Catholic Bible study group in the diocese Chosica in the east of Lima.
"My wife comes from an evangelical family, and I have no less than 4 evangelical pastors in the family. Each week, they pray that I also repent," says Walter. But Walter Abanto is stubborn. wants from his Catholic faith he does not desist. He believes the force of the evangelical Bible can stand up, he is a member of the "Servicio Biblico Católico" become. 120 members left the group, they meet weekly in a modest brick room in the quarter-Zárate, and finance their activities Bible with foot reflexology. Above all, they go in the competition in the evangelical teaching and copy their strategies: "The evangelicals have so much success because they go to the people and because they let people talk about themselves," says Paula. "The Assemblies of the evangelicals are very sincere and they give you the feeling that they listen to you." Just this cordial cooperation and self-mutual-worry they would live in their group too.

(photo: Martin Steffen)

Paula, Walter and the other group members have therefore formed in theology and biblical studies - including with the help of the theology courses of the Diocese of Chosica - and are now even as a street missionaries from house to house. As Catholic missionaries as they emphasize. How it because lie that the Catholic Church losing its appeal? Walter and Paula have some answers ready: the Catholic priests are too busy to manage their time more social welfare and had no time to really care about the people, or Priests who want to do everything themselves and not delegate it to lay (ie non-priests). Or that some priests and bishops as what would feel better, and did not want the "ordinary" Catholics also educate and tasks.

After 20 minutes, with Paula's hands are relaxed my reflexology and I feel almost as a newly converted Catholic. Although I have some advice to my liberal Paula Catholic way of life because it too closely think so but I feel great respect for their dedication and good Catholic sense.

discuss these days, the Latin American Bishops in Rome, which they face the loss of members their church can do. Maybe they should just take off your shoes and can open their meridians of Paula .....

Monday, June 2, 2008

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People's Court II

The photos speak for themselves. They show a real - not symbolic - village court in an Andean village, about 10 hours by bus from Cusco. The young man was caught stealing. As punishment, he will have to waddle, half naked and covered with a sign saying "I am a thief from the village of Vista Alegre" make the rounds several times, the villagers over, who have formed a circle. The "chief justice" asks if anyone could say anything in favor of the accused. A cousin of the young boy speaks out. Then consults an elder board. The most likely is, so I told my local companion, the boy would be flogged as punishment.
vigilante justice or indigenous justice is a major issue in Peru. Since the judicial authorities in all the villages are not accessible, or else be accused of corruption, many people resort to vigilante justice in the Andes. It may also lead to murder - as it was in the small town Ilave 5 years ago the case. For human rights groups is the self-justice is a difficult issue, especially when the cultural element at play: the right to cultural autonomy strikes the right to physical integrity.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Black Flakes In Water Pipes

People's Court l

At Tauccamarca I remember as if it were yesterday. On 22 October 1999 occurred in the Andean village Tauccamarca a tragedy. 44 school children had accidentally taken with their school milk, a highly toxic pesticide. 24 of the children died, others are still suffering from the after-effects. The sequence of events was reconstructed quickly: it was a tragic mix-up of milk and pesticide bag. The contents of the bag, however, was explosive. It was the highly toxic para Transportation. And this product was in Peru by the German company Bayer marketed. The distribution and sale were legal under Peruvian law - but the handling of the distribution showed some negligence. The Transportation Para-bags were also awarded in the Quechua-speaking areas in Peru only in English. Many of the farmers in villages like Tauccamarca also can not read or write. The Para Transportation was distributed and sold as loose as if it were for milk powder.
The victims of the tragedy then, the company sued Bayer for damages. The suit was rejected by the Peruvian court for formal reasons, and Bayer has never admitted responsibility for the tragedy. The parents of the dead children are still waiting for a redress by both the Peruvian State as from the company Bayer.

Her case is one of 20 cases that were brought before the tribunal of nations, which met during the Alternative Summit. 20 multinational companies of European origin have been accused of human rights violations. Bayer is in good company. Accused include Swiss-based Syngenta for their handling of protesters in Brazil, the Norwegian agricultural exporters Camposol for anti-union policy in Peru, the English oil company Repsol for its actions against indigenous communities in Argentina, Ecuador and Brazil.

The Peoples' Tribunal is an initiative of the Italian left from the year 1976, so that the tradition the Russell Tribunals against the Vietnam war took up again. Since then, this unofficial court many times and met very moral judgments, most recently in Bogota on the rights of indigenous peoples in Colombia.
the court is composed from 5 European politicians and activists, as well as 7 representatives of Latin American social movements and leftist parties.
chairman of the court in Lima is the Belgian Catholic priest and emeritus professor of sociology Francois Houtart. "Both of the alternative summit, as well as the tribunal of the people give them a voice at the Summit of Presidents are not present," he said to our questions. The Peoples' Tribunal is a Tribunal review and adopts moral judgments that are received by the public opinion.
What could be changed by that? "Of course, companies can and should change their practices, but basically it's about the logic of the system that destroys the nature and work."
particularly impressed by Francois Houtart the case of the English oil company Repsol. She is active in many Latin American countries and leave all the same problems: pollution of the environment and displacement of indigenous communities.

The court ordered for the conduct of the company, which would CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT by states and international institutions. In this respect, calls it is the States of the European Union to demand binding rules of conduct of their private companies. As a concrete measure
also requested the Court that the UN appoint a Special Rapporteur on violations against the economic, social and cultural human rights.

Victoriano Huarayo Tauccamarca from two of his children have lost in the accident. Bravely, he stops at the entrance of the Technical University to be high sign with the company he so directs Bayer to admit its responsibility. The verdict of the tribunal of nations is a small step toward bringing that his fate is not forgotten.

Friday, May 16, 2008

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Clima Latino

Sometimes you might think that the Presidential Summit and the People's Summit only differ in form and color, but not necessarily in his concerns. From the air, at least, has been everywhere talking.

found on Thursday morning on the counter-summit, the Forum "For a new environmental agenda" instead, a self-organized over 50 events. Were invited to the Peruvian mining critical network muqui Red and the Peruvian Environmental Network.
independent experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations made proposals to protect the environment. Thus spoke the agricultural engineer Jaime Llosa on the air walls, and l like Peru can adjust to it. As the tropical glaciers in Peru to melt due to global warming to the water balance fundamental change. Which river valleys are first lot of water - namely, the melting water of glaciers - and then have to dry? How did the desert metropolis Lima in the future will supply water? Jaime Llosa had very specific proposals: the Inca and other pre-colonial peoples knew an elaborate water storage system. If much rain falls, it will be for as long as possible for the dry days. About 40 old dams and reservoirs are now inoperative. With the current climate of this ancient knowledge wiürde relevant than ever. Who should pay for it? "Who caused the damage, it must resolve it," commented Jaime Llosa. The culprits are in this Case, the highly industrialized countries of the North with its high energy consumption.

This was also consensus on a completely different event. The German Agency for Technical Cooperation, the Peruvian Environmental Protection Agency and the Peruvian government development agency APCI to the forum had "consequences of climate change for Latin America and the Caribbean" invited to the elegant hotel. Only invited guests were able to pass through the police barriers, the Swissotel was the red carpet rolled out. Not for us, but for Angela Merkel, who was also descended, and which was announced this so-called "side-event of the summit (but ultimately did not). The jeans were all left here at home. At these events, the men step classically uniform in a suit and tie on - and they were, at least on the podium, here among themselves. Another important difference between the alternative summit: almost all the guests of Swissotel looked European - so white-skinned -, while the alternative summit, indigenous representatives, a large group formed.
Apart from these differences, the concern was the same as at the Technical University. No one in the climate change issue and not who is responsible in the first place: the highly industrialized countries. The German CSU MEPs Christian Ruck had mainly a concern: the preservation of the Amazon rain forest, one of the large lungs of the world. Should flow into it a large share of revenues from the CO2 trading.
The other speakers of the Latin American Economic Commission ECLAC agreed in their diagnosis. They questioned the impact of climate change on economies, and especially on the poorest of the continent to the forefront. José Luis Machinea, General Secretary of the Economic Commission, expressed his expectations of the European Union to the point: the EU countries should apply the same environmentally friendly technologies in Latin America, as they do at home. And they should not force the country by imposing conditions to protect the environment, but also create increased incentives. The underlying tension was not pronounced: the poor of Latin America want to partake in the blessings of the development. If the EU wants, however, that the Latin American countries get their nature, they have to show ways and provide the means to lead people out of poverty without damaging the environment further. How this can help a free trade agreement between EU and Latin America - this question, the speakers were guilty. days

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counter summit

While the leaders in the sealed National Museum, the people take on the site the Technical University in Lima. So at least it is in the program: the social Cumbre los Pueblos - Social Summit of the people. Hold, the equation is not quite. But are the leaders who come together, long ago no more evil dictators, but legally elected by the people Democrats. So who is this people who are themselves because at the Technical University of rendezvous? There are the losers today, the Peruvian Prime Minister Jorge del Castillo said on television. He was referring to the losers of the last presidential elections in Peru, especially the small left Parteien.Dabei del Castillo is not entirely wrong. At the Technical College to meet those who see themselves as losers or to their legal To raise to represent their interests. However, not as a loser in the last elections, but the loser of the prevailing economic model: globalization's losers, losers of free trade, the losers of a mono-cultural modernization strategy. The losers, it really would be impossible in the eyes of the Peruvian government. The means, namely, that occurring due to free trade and the generous support of foreign investment development and prosperity for all.

Who is this concrete, which do not agree: Indian tribes from all over Peru and communities from places where gold is mined and oil is drilled, global justice students from Latin America and Europe, members of all possible left splinter groups, women organizations, local and regional environmental initiatives, women who sell their homemade crafts, trade unionists, journalists, alternative media, Peruvian non-governmental organizations and representatives of European aid organizations and grassroots groups such as ATTAC. All in all a very colorful and with 4,000 registered participants and great people. Stained by that fact alone, because the representatives of indigenous peoples have appeared in their costumes. Because of the colorful flags that are carried around everywhere. Be it the Wiphala, the ancient Inca flag, it was a flag with the icon, "Che" or slogans like "Down with imperialism, "particularly striking in this counter-summit. the large presence of indigenous groups of local initiatives that call for the re-evaluation of their Indian culture

you all have in common is that they leave the fate of their country not just their elected representatives. . do new that is not the so-called counter-summit or alternative summit have a tradition No meeting of heads of government, without alternative summit and demonstrations Ironically, the whole thing is if there is cross-border workers under the President's in Latin America is the case:.... the Bolivian President Evo Morales and his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chávez regularly commute between the official and alternative GIPF back and forth. This is also the alternative summit in Lima.
While the left MEP Helmut Markov to a panel under the open sky, the Latin Americans to call, so are expected to sign an FTA with the EU grows and grows a queue of people behind him. Men, women, young, old, see if there is something to eat? Certainly not. "We are at the football game," says Juan, who came with his son. At 6 clock that is a special match is announced: Bolivian President Evo Morales himself will kick against the old boys-national team of Peru. "I especially want to see a good match," says Juan. The rumor states that Maradona would play along and maybe even Hugo Chávez. Although only playing baseball, is defended but strong: "Your Chancellor Angela Merkel would not take him to attack, it has not been shown as a country lady," Juan said the failures of Hugo Chávez against Angela Merkel.

Maradona was not the way to a match, Hugo Chávez not. Nevertheless, high spirits and Evo Morales even brought a penalty kick into the goal, before returning his official Inca leather-jacket suit and drove to the Presidential Summit, to greet his colleagues in style.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

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Summit dizziness

Lima wraps himself in his early wintry gray. No ray of sunshine you can see, you look only at the belly of a donkey, like the famous Peruvian poet Cesar Vallejo has described the leaden sky of Lima. Just the right weather summit. Starts today in Lima on a bi-annual EU-Latin America summit. Big rally at the airport Jorge Chávez in Lima. Yesterday was already at the Polish Prime Minister and EU Commission President. Today, then José Luis Zapatero of Spain, Evo Morales of Bolivia, Cristina Fernández Kirchner of Argentina and a lot more heads of state from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union. Uncrowned star is Angela Merkel. First, because they target a media-effective failure of the Venezuelan media President was. And secondly, because the competition stays away: neither Nicolas Sarkozy (and not his wife Carla Bruni), nor Gordon Brown of Great Britain nor the newly re-elected Italian Silvio Berlusconi come to the EU-Latin America summit in Lima. Angela Merkel, with its 24 flying visit to say the star of the EU heads of state.
To talk about climate change, the environment and the alleviation of poverty, they come to Lima. Only the inhabitants of Lima get them with little. They were in fact sent on holiday, not to interfere in a long weekend to a meeting of heads of state. "Yes, get the president to know Peru, our great Country, "told me my newspaper vendor. The young lady at the Internet cabin, however, is convinced that the president come this week for the APEC summit, so the peak of Pazifk coastal states. The is also, however, only 5 months later, in October. "I look at it quickly on the Internet for," said Katia from the Internet back to my doubts. "Certainly, this is the APEC summit," she said after her Google research later in the sound of a top teacher. I it leaves in error. Finally, hanging in front of my apartment for months, a large street banner reading "Welcome to APEC in Pueblo Libre." No wonder that my neighbors do not know what is the European Union here.
Ultimately, says the lapse of my neighbors, as well as the lack of interest in the European media in this summit, a lot more good than any fine words of political mouth. Latin America is neither commercially nor politically moderate for the European Union a priority, and also for Latin America in recent decades the U.S. and now increasingly China, the most important and dynamic trading partner. Mag to come, the Peruvian government has conducted little public promotion of the EU summit. Perhaps because the Peruvian President Alan Garcia is upset because the EU's desire for a bilateral free trade agreement between Peru and the EU does not yet give way. The EU is negotiating only "en bloc". In the case of Latin America, these "blocks", however unruly or rather forced communities. Mercosur, which includes the large economies of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela recently, refused to sign a free trade agreement, unless the EU does not reduce its agricultural subsidies. And the other, much smaller block, the Andean Community, is primarily a non-community. The leftist governments of Bolivia and Ecuador are in their views about the blessings of free trade for their people fiercely hostile to the governments of Colombia and even the host country Peru.

The real interests of Europe in Latin America has shown itself for even in these days: the climate does it. Latin America has a large rain forest, not to forbear for the rapid decline of the global climate. And Latin America, with its high economic growth has become more attractive for foreign investment. There are the Europeans, especially the Spaniards, yet well represented. Anyone using a telephone in Peru in the hand, takes to open a bank account or in Lima operated the light switch, which I know can speak. Everything firmly in English hands.

climate and shops, these are the priorities of the summit and there are also the new interests of Europe as far from the otherwise related to Latin America.

What is the alternative summit "of the Social Summit . People "to think that in my next blog entry

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Humerus Fracture Of Baby At Birth

Bad guys (part II)

When I met him first, he was a free newspaper publishers something offensive though and political intentions suspect -. But what a publisher is not his newspaper? a revolver leaves, at least walked away like hot cakes. in particular the poor and the farmers in remote Andean villages. For Antauro Humala, our publisher, had introduced a sophisticated distribution system. From the Peruvian Army, retired enlisted men without education and job threw themselves in their old uniform, and sold the paper on streets and squares throughout Peru. At the same time were the reserves of the former Major Antauro Humala and his father Isaac in the accompanying ideology trained, the so-called "Etnocacerismus": a mixed ideology of anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, Indigenism and a healthy dose of legal fascism and militarism. All that would disappear in the curio cabinet Latin American ideologies have Antauro Ollanta Humala and his brother is not out in October 2000, a handful of soldiers in the hinterland of the Andes and declared the uprising against the Peruvian government. The time already fought for survival. The presidential aide convicted of corruption Montesinos had fled on the very day in the country, and President Fujimori faced nationwide Protests against. Indeed, Fujimori declared a few days later his resignation in a fax from Japan, the brothers Humala but became heroes of freedom: young, courageous Peruvians who stood against the dictator - just needed the land. Pretty soon, the two revolutionaries subsequently pardoned by the government and began work on her political career. Ollanta did this by Attache posts abroad, and Antauro as a newspaper publisher of a leaflet which bore the name of his brother, Ollanta.

Antauro but did not stop the newspaper publishing. And down the country he gave his speech about the oppression of the brown race, the old values of the Incas, and why the Yankees, the country exploit. The speech was a bombshell. More than a young, laid-off from the army recruit felt addressed. Work he did anyway, and he could earn as delivering newspapers to find something and have a new ideal. As I sat opposite Antauro Humala is the first time I took a talkative, nervous man, some real mixed with all sorts of weird ideas. That racism in Peru is a serious problem is that always give more people. But you have to revenge against the culture of the Yankees, a private Peruvian Windows - create software? In this time, instead of Antauro and backers for his brother, Ollanta, who at that time in France and Korea, the Peruvian military represented. That changed abruptly on 1 January 2005. Artauro Humala and his reservists had occupied the town in the Andean Polizeikommisariat Andahuaylas. In the following shootout, four policemen and three Etnocaceristen killed. Antauro Humala and his followers were immediately placed in custody - and brother of Ollanta distanced himself from Antauro, just in time for the presidential campaign in which he lost narrowly to the current President Alan Garcia.

Antauro Humala, the "Major" as he was known to his Etnocaceristas housed in the newly built prison outside Lima Piedras Gordas. This prison was built with the money that President Fujimori's advisor Montesinos for on his Swiss account abzwackte, and by the Swiss authorities was returned to the Peruvian state treasury. The big bosses of corruption from politics and the military should serve out their sentences here. When I visited in May 2005, the Assemblies of Etnocaceristas and wanted to find out if the groups continue to exist, I was first taken up pretty nicely. The guys (there were no girls among them) met in an old, uninhabited house in the Old Town of Lima. The power was temporarily turned off, the back room where they met, was accessible only by a dark access through several empty rooms. The room itself hung Wiphala - the colorful flag of the indigenous people - and a lot of militaria. I was particularly impressed by a photograph that showed a young man in uniform who wanted to balance the bleeding from his mouth over a wall itself. The young man had been fatally wounded in Andahuaylas, his fingers drew on the photo a "V" for Victoria, victorious after. Therefore, the Etnocaceristas had hung so cruel to me appearing photo. Because of the "V" of the dying boy. Even otherwise there was no lack of militaria and Schriftentum extreme right in the room - for the Etnocaceristas no contradiction with the co-existing anti-imperialism from the left corner.
As soon as I wanted to know something more about their organization, Efrain was one of the young leader, quietly walked into a Corner and called someone on his cell phone. Finally, it was superfluous to my questions, handed me the phone and said, "say even with the Mayor. On the phone was Antauro Humala, the Peruvian Army Major out of service, and at the time occupant of the new high-security prison Piedras Gordas. I should come visit him yet, Antauro said to me, after I reminded him of our first meeting. Morning was visiting day for women, I should not give his name, but the Oscar Benitez Linares. So I would immediately clean in jail.
The next afternoon I went on the road to Piedras Gordas, at the extreme northern edge of Lima, in the middle of the desert. The new gray Fortress on a hill was visible from a distance. Some 30 other women waiting to visit their relatives. I showed my ID Peruvian said, that I wanted to Oscar Benitez, and already I was allowed inside. The security controls were more lax, at least they were not my keys or my phone - both in Peru voltaic prisons absolutely forbidden things. In contrast to the crowded prisons of Peru, was the new Piedras Gordas an escape empty concrete corridors, behind glass panels sitting officials who expressed a Knopt, opened up a grid and a new empty hallway sent. Peruvian prisons are otherwise all that we imagine to can. But certainly not empty. Eventually led a path to a kind of corridor with 4 open to double steel doors, behind which normally maintain extremely valuable or extremely dangerous things to store. In that case, it was probably the extremely dangerous men who were kept here erwden. One of them came towards me, with a broad smile, he introduced himself to me: "Let, Oscar Benitez, I am witness against Zevallos. Zevallos was the largest drug money launderers in the Americas, the then owner of Peru's largest airline and has taken a few months ago at the instigation of the U.S. in prison. The man was smiling at me kindly so testify against Zevallos. Not for nothing, of course, he admitted. He had also earned strong in the drug trade, and an adhesive relief he would get with his statement. But first he wanted me to imagine today Antauro Humala. Oscar took me to a round 100Quadratmeter large, walled courtyard. Deserted. Up to Antauro Humala. In one corner, under a self-made sun covered and behind a table, he holds court. Two mobile phones are on the table, next to the latest editions of its leaves and a stack of papers, and a sun-tanned, well-tempered ex-Major, subversive and accused of murder. Well it would go to him in prison, the prison even has educational character, "he said, and that he now had time to be to write book. Meanwhile, his lawyer comes and brings him the galleys of his latest leaflet for correction. "Antauro" is the name of this now, because once had distanced himself from the brother of Ollanta "Andahuaylazo," named for his Antauro Papers in Antauro. From his etnocaceristischen ideology he was more convinced than ever. His eyes sparkle when he makes his militaristic and anti-imperialist ideology. Violence? Found that it was necessary to establish a means among others, in the end only a footnote etnocaceristischen of world history. Antauro Humala has big plans, because he leaves no doubt. Here in the prison he had already found kindred spirits. Here imprisoned cadres of Shining Path, an extremely violent Maoist terrorist group that is responsible for about half of the victims of the Peruvian civil war, would slowly realize that the ethnic element was important.
Did I want a photo? Asks me Oscar Benitez, who became the press agent Antauros drug dealer. He offers to shoot a photo with the phone and then to mail me the photo. Otherwise it would not, unfortunately, it was still holding a prison here. The talkative
Antauro says at the end of the interview: "read this, but I have j aalle what I need: access to the Internet, telephone, television."

two hours with Antauro indigenist and his fascist-nationalist- Speech is enough. I say goodbye and go back to the empty concrete corridors to the exit. No one bothered me, nobody wants to know where I was and what I do with out taking. Outdoor

look at the prison I go to the desert and the slums that spread a few hundred meters behind the prison. Increase in my combo, the minibus, which brings me back to Lima and step back into "normal" world of Lima, the chaotic, crowded, the unjust, the dynamic. And I wonder what the world now was surreal: one in the high security prison, or those outside.

PS: a few weeks after my visit to the Piedras Gordas flew to the scandal. Not because Antauro, but because of a powerful Mafia boss, who was detained in the same prison. He had bribed the prison director, so it all mobile phone and fishing gear off and unfiltered women's and men's visit to the high security jail. Shortly thereafter requested Antauro Humala his transfer to another prison.

PSS 2008: The head of Peru's prison administration, Leonardo Caparrós told that the prisoners in Piedras Gordas are now dissatisfied and would mutiny. "This is a sign that they reach no more corruption."
Antauro Humala and his followers will finally put on trial. Antauro occurs in Rowdy courtroom in such a way that it is referenced by the judge of the hall. The prosecution, meanwhile, negotiated, whether brother Ollanta is included in the indictment because he had allegedly approved the violent uprising of Andahuaylas.

PSSS: The Chute Piedras Gordas was built with unscheduled payments, which the Swiss government had frozen in the Swiss accounts of former presidential advisor Vladimiro Montesinos, and which he afterwards to the rightful owners, the Peruvian government, led back.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lohri Invitation Samplesgrandparents Name

Bad Guys (part I)

The bad guys are much more exciting as everybody knows, the good nerd. Before me stands one whom at first sight not to be considered is to which category he belongs. 1.80 Well gross, on slender, with white stubble on his head and face in the not quite spent, sparkle from a pair of bright blue eyes. This modern casual plaid shirt hanging over his beige linen trousers, across the chest of Mitfünfzigers hanging reading glasses. In her right hand a thumbed paperback, "El Hombre," the novel of the American best-selling author on a fictitious black presidential candidate sheep. "Bufalo", so called my friend, could easily stand on a beach, waiting for a female victim who is not impressed by his adventures. If he does not. I meet Buffalo in the prison of San Juan de Lurigancho, the largest and most notorious men's prison in Peru. Bufalo, the sous chef a fait, that is a gang boss who rules over his prison wing with several hundred men. In other words, most men here in the hostel of Peru with over 10 000 inmates, Bufalo is a person of respect. This latest notice
we when we go with a photographer on the "Boulevard" - about 400 meters long corridor that separates the individual wings from each other. Here you find everything and buy all of: detergent, soap, spare parts for everything, drugs and people. On the ground, totally stoned guys who are even stoned to the dealer to and can only offer themselves to get on drugs, besides the drug dealers and men of all shades that offer home-made ceramics, and thus get the appearance, maintains that even in prison an "honest" life is possible. But is not 80% of the inhabitants of this prison is taking drugs, if they have not done it before they are potted, they do so no later than when they come out. The police is watching or even helping with the procurement of drugs. Why should they not, with 400 police officers against 10 000 prisoners, but all in vain labor of love. As you can feed the prisoners just as well with weapons and drugs. In a way, raises their only effect on each other: "The drugs make us tame, so that we can not break, because the weapons have to me."
Bufalo is no exception: "Of course I take drugs, or has it not from that." For 24 years Bufalo leads a life of jail and not prison. More time he has now spent indoors. Drug trafficking, robbery and fraud - all he has done and tried. Innocence, he does not try to fake the first place. Remorse over a botched life? And he has too much attitude and self-respect. "How do you keep the prison from here without going crazy?" I ask him. "You have to turn off all feelings, otherwise is not it. "says Bufalo. He would therefore not visit more of his family members, which bring only problems and worries. Without visiting family and he lived quietly. Despite all the cleverness, the sadness is profound in his voice.

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water - Agua

more than interested, I heard this morning in bed the news: a dead prisoner, attempted rape, a traffic accident and a sensation a pregnant man, the usual mixture of horror, crime and sex, considered here as newsworthy I. to realize until I suddenly the word "corte de agua" hear. The water is shut off. that in several districts of Lima today from 9:30 am until around 2:30 early off the water for repairs. My neighborhood is among them. A look at the Clock: 7.30; not hoard like to get out of bed and water. All empty plastic bottles, I can find are filled with water. Then quickly rinse all dishes from the previous day. Reserve the water bucket on the roof terrace is empty - and from the tap drips less and less water. The "Corte", the water shutdown has already begun. At least I still manage to take a shower, come out as long as a few drops. At 8.15 the line is dry - one of the few things that can happen before the announced time. My two friends, who announced himself for 11 clock tomorrow have to be a shower can not stop - so much water could hoard no more.

that water is not taken for granted, you sense only when there is no time. That in the metropolitan Lima often not mind missing borders on a miracle actually. For Lima's 8 million residents live in the desert, literally speaking. Geographically, Cairo and Lima are damn similar. This is any alien immediately clear when looking at the barren sand hills around the city or the dusty plants and palm trees look sad, the visual appearance despite extensive casting never really lush and green. It is therefore surprising that the residents of Lima have hardly worried about their future Water treatment account. Even in the slums, which are inadequately supplied with water, and in which one hardly sees a green leaf, the problem is reduced to the fact that one should lay pipes or the water company is corrupt. But what if there comes no more water from the tap, because it no longer exists?

Lima fed with water of the river Rimac and Chillon. In the pass Ticlio, at 4800 meters, flow the stream, forming gradually the Rimac River. "Just a few years ago I saw snow when crossing the pass," said Archbishop Pedro Barreto. Today you have put on quite a spectacle, a few snow fields in the distance to . Recognize The tropical glaciers have melted in the last 5 years by 22% - the Peruvian Ticlio is no exception.
Just below the Ticlios start flowing waste water from mines in the small streams, below is a tunnel that is stored in the mountainous rubble for decades and who has since seeped into the groundwater, further down in the Rimac valley, there where the outermost settlements Lima begin flowing industrial effluents, domestic wastes and agricultural pesticides in unfiltered river. That is, the water is not only less: it is also highly polluted in Lima. If
Lima run out of water, is here also start the light: Peru is by its geography, the steep Andean slopes, able to cover one third of its energy requirements through hydroelectric power stations. Question is, how long, when the water recedes.

All these questions have been taboo in the Peruvian society and politics. Because Peru is a society in modernization. Through sustained economic growth is the need for water and energy, not only for industry, but especially for personal use. Since it is not popular, if politicians continue to households with water and energy.

good that the Catholic Church - finally - is their prophetic role just here: today, Archbishop Barreto, the national campaign "Water, God's gift to life, "inaugurated. In all katholsichen communities are the Christians for dealing with water resources to be made aware.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

How To Clean A Carburetor On An Outboard

The organic farmer

" Now I have regained hope that you can but what do against pollution " said Soledad, a 22-year-old radio journalist from Jaén has given hope her encounter with a man who radiates with his face what he says. Alejandro Córdova, farmers, almost 70 years old, 6 children, from the small village San Antonio high up being hit on the heights of the Rimac valley.

Alejandro Córdova I have when I was using 12 radio journalists from all over Peru in Lima in a course on environmental journalism, "took part, started up the valley of the Rimac. From 0 to 5,000 feet, within no time 4 hours - this variety of climatic zones in such a short time, must imitate another country Peru for now. Unfortunately makes the Rimac Peru less honor. He is one of the most polluted rivers in the country. The glacier at 5000 meters always go back more, but we could see the swirl surrounding mines and heavy metals that pollute the streams - the same rivers that flow 160 kilometers below the sea as the Rimac.

Alejandro Córdova we meet in the middle of the road in the village of San Mateo, at 3200 meters altitude. "The Rimac is the most important "." He says, as we meet him in town hall "flow throughout Peru Finally, it supplies a third of all Peruvians with water - because a third live in the capital, Lima Alejandro tells how even in his ancestors to the relationships of nature. the different climate zones knew and how he made this knowledge alive today receives. "At 4,500 meters altitude, you can grow an old type of grass so that soil erosion is stopped." His eyes light up when he talks about his eco-experiments and that its products have been certified by Biolatina as organic products.

Through the years of mining, as well as the industries that run their sewage into the river, is part of the entire river has contaminated a lot of ground. A solution, Alejandro Cordova, will be found only when working together the various affected municipalities and provinces in order to clean up their river. This is in Peru has not been the case. The political powers do not take the natural laws - so that there would be a river, a competent authority. This is exactly what the uses Alejandro Córdova. As residents of San Mateo, he can point to a unique history: already in 1934 the farmers of San Mateo were protesting against a local Erzausbeutung because the overburden made their animals sick. The protest by the peasants at that time ended in a hail of bullets of the called Soldiers. San Mateo 4 inhabitants died.
For a few years of their death in San Mateo is celebrated as a local memorial day. And also the more recent history is thought of in this century: the children of a district complained since 2002, multiple complaints, because they grew up next to a tailings disposal site. Measurements showed high lead levels in Blug, and pollutants coming from the adjacent spoil pile. No one wanted to show responsible for the removal of toxic Tailing - to the residents of San Mateo, on behalf of their children, before the Inter-American Court in Costa Rica covered. The was called to the Peruvian State to eliminate the toxic waste - now grow on the former toxic waste dump again Grass and flowers tentative.

Alejandro Cordova believes that the use of a decent life and respect the natural environment pays off - just this belief he exudes, and thus our journalism students taught more than 10 university professors together.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Trouver Licence Matlab R2007b

aid request

Last week I received another of the emergency calls, whether I could not donate blood, rhesus negative, for an old woman waiting for surgery at a hospital in the north of Lima. The son of the patient would also pick me up and bring you back home. Of course, I said - if I only ever with my blood, which can do good, how should I as refuse? On Thursday
waretet punctually scrap heap looking car with a driver for me - José was called the son of the patient, who was with his siblings for days in search of rhesus negative blood donors. "A single nephew had the same blood type, and because a tattoo they have not accepted him. I could have beaten him at the moment," says José of the effort to raise matching blood donor. And because of the car I should not worry me, that would have us Request by e. His last brand new car had been stolen from him, because he would rather go for the junk box.

But not assume I will tell. But from our drive North Lima. A traffic jam after another offered us an opportunity to exchange our experiences. I was so German, "said José. He also got to know German when he was in the 80 years he worked in the personnel department of the city of Lima. At that time, the left Alfonso Barrantes was mayor. But back to the Germans. A William and somebody else, very nice friendly people. For the German development aid they had advised the city to organize the new waste management Lima. I am surprised that, I had never heard. With the waste Lima makes her a lot today. And, honestly, the project has achieved anything, let me ask my chauffeur. Jose looked a little embarrassed moreover, as he wrestles with whether he wants to tell me the truth or they would prefer to gloss over, because he did not insult me. "So to be honest, it was all for naught. At first, the aid workers very involved, wanted to change many things. But when they saw that they got stuck in the decrepit administrative structures, have their activities more and more in the hotels in the chic district Miraflores has shifted. "round tables and cocktails, where you talked about waste management and poverty reduction would then replace the actual work on the community. Among the events will be the secretaries had been sent to someone from the City attended.
But that was twenty years ago, then he is also considered a Communist. Like his mother, who now needs the blood. She was a seamstress in a factory and committed union member. He, José, had long renounced communism and believe in the free market. I should but only the offer in the department stores look to sprout in the slums now out of the ground. The have it in the 80 years he was not given. Whether it himself for even better to do? No, he does not have much of it, but just need time to develop that would have come.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Where Can You Buy Izod Boxers

market - Feria de los Deseos

The New Year 2008 I started with a tour of the "Feria de los Deseos" - the market's wishes . Every year after Christmas, "Curanderas" after the High Andes of Lima and offer to "market of desires" their services. A "curandera" is an herbalist, healer and shaman. The services offered by the shamans is large: it you read the future in coca leaves or trauma or disease dispel the fact that they emphasize an egg on your body. A guinea pig, or an armadillo fulfill this function: they draw the bad energies and diseases on the individual. as protection and defense of future evils one should wash with a decoction of medicinal flowers, or one buys one of the many charms that are offered for sale. There are amulets against and for all: the protection of home, farm and animal, to ward off illness or theft, a man making love with themselves or to separate a pair of lovers. "You have the amulet in a special place with you keep at home," said the saleswoman. Basically, these are the household, accident and health insurance for the poor. A proper insurance with monthly payments they can afford, but 50 cents an amulet, which is valid for one year - that is in it.

The "market needs" in Lima blend ancient healing knowledge with commercial and cheap superstition. Behind this however is an old wisdom of the Andean nations: a disease is rarely physically limited, but is triggered by trauma or a culprit. When I asked the shaman if they can cure the cough of a 4-year-old girl, she looks at me blankly: "You mean, if you can heal the horrors" - a cough is not simply just a cough, but a visible manifestation of something that is wrong in the soul - and this may be caused by trauma from the outside . Therefore, the shaman take away the trauma. Much of the Andean medicine today we would include under the Western term "psychosomatic".

But the most important is faith: just as the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, only helps those who believe in it, including the Andean medicine will only help those who are not infected too much of Western skepticism.

(from my newsletter El Puente 12)