Saturday, November 6, 2010

Steam Washer, Dryer What Doe It Mean

Alan García, Dirk Niebel and the Ge-thinking

On 4 November Alan García and Dirk Niebel laid the foundation stone in Lima for a museum of memory "of the victims of the recent civil war. The construction of the memorial was controversial until recently - a German development minister and a Nobel laureate frischgekürter had clearly helped that she is now being built yet.

Alan Garcia's favorite topic is the future. The great future, Peru, the country he ruled with his now had 10 years of steady economic growth ahead of it. On 4 November, however, he had to settle for a less heady side of the recent Past Peru deal. Together with the German Minister for Economic Cooperation, Dirk Niebel, he laid the groundwork for a national memorial. There, the victims of the recent civil war must be considered. The new acting minister Dirk Niebel is because the Federal Republic of Germany 2 million euros are to do so. He Peru congratulate his courage, Niebel, to face its painful reminder to the tragedy of the Civil War was not repeated. Alan García is because he probably did nothing remains but a reasonably good face to make it in his eyes, left the game.
had triggered public debate about the processing of the military conflicts between the maostischen terrorist group Shining Path and the military and the police report of a truth commission. 70,000 Peruvians were killed in the Civil War, the Commission calculated that in 2003 and called the military and political leaders in the name. Also came in 2005 for the second time incumbent President Alan Garcia in the report do not go unpunished, but fell in his first term from 1985 to 1990 several massacres and human rights violations. When the German Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul on the occasion for their visit to Peru two years ago committed to the work-up of the civil war and a German donation for the construction of a memorial offered, the response from the recipient side was rather low. The money could be better used directly for the poor, it was said from the Peruvian government. Perhaps Wiecozorek-Zeul's intention would have remained such, had not Mario Vargas Llosa used the pen. Peru need very much a museum of memory, this also serves to develop the country, the most famous living Peruvian writer said in his newspaper column read around the world.
Due to public pressure and moral authority of the famous writers drew an Alan Garcia in the construction of the memorial and goes one better: he did Vargas Llosa, Chairman of the official memorial commission. And meanwhile, tried to save his skin and that of the accused military in other ways. An amnesty law was to prevent the back door of the condemnation of the military and police officers for human rights crimes. Once again intervened Vargas Llosa. In a public letter of protest he returned in mid-September the chair of the Commission. The Peruvian government withdrew the draft law back then. Two weeks later, the Nobel Committee announced that Mario Vargas Llosa this year's Nobel Prize is given. Four weeks later
on 4 November are either Heide Wieczorek-Zeul Mario Vargas Llosa still present when the foundation is laid for the museum. The German voters wanted instead Wieczorek-Zeul's now her successor Dirk Niebel Lima Wilhelm von Humboldt may quote: "Only those who know the past has a future." President Alan Garcia on the other hand likes to think of the first Nobel laureate Peruvian Vargas Llosa, if he himself with a rather pained expression beglückwunscht to "that he can dedicate this place of thinking." And along the way "thinking Ge-" from the (memoria) thinking in general ("pensamiento") makes.


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