Saturday, November 6, 2010

Steam Washer, Dryer What Doe It Mean

Alan García, Dirk Niebel and the Ge-thinking

On 4 November Alan García and Dirk Niebel laid the foundation stone in Lima for a museum of memory "of the victims of the recent civil war. The construction of the memorial was controversial until recently - a German development minister and a Nobel laureate frischgekürter had clearly helped that she is now being built yet.

Alan Garcia's favorite topic is the future. The great future, Peru, the country he ruled with his now had 10 years of steady economic growth ahead of it. On 4 November, however, he had to settle for a less heady side of the recent Past Peru deal. Together with the German Minister for Economic Cooperation, Dirk Niebel, he laid the groundwork for a national memorial. There, the victims of the recent civil war must be considered. The new acting minister Dirk Niebel is because the Federal Republic of Germany 2 million euros are to do so. He Peru congratulate his courage, Niebel, to face its painful reminder to the tragedy of the Civil War was not repeated. Alan García is because he probably did nothing remains but a reasonably good face to make it in his eyes, left the game.
had triggered public debate about the processing of the military conflicts between the maostischen terrorist group Shining Path and the military and the police report of a truth commission. 70,000 Peruvians were killed in the Civil War, the Commission calculated that in 2003 and called the military and political leaders in the name. Also came in 2005 for the second time incumbent President Alan Garcia in the report do not go unpunished, but fell in his first term from 1985 to 1990 several massacres and human rights violations. When the German Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul on the occasion for their visit to Peru two years ago committed to the work-up of the civil war and a German donation for the construction of a memorial offered, the response from the recipient side was rather low. The money could be better used directly for the poor, it was said from the Peruvian government. Perhaps Wiecozorek-Zeul's intention would have remained such, had not Mario Vargas Llosa used the pen. Peru need very much a museum of memory, this also serves to develop the country, the most famous living Peruvian writer said in his newspaper column read around the world.
Due to public pressure and moral authority of the famous writers drew an Alan Garcia in the construction of the memorial and goes one better: he did Vargas Llosa, Chairman of the official memorial commission. And meanwhile, tried to save his skin and that of the accused military in other ways. An amnesty law was to prevent the back door of the condemnation of the military and police officers for human rights crimes. Once again intervened Vargas Llosa. In a public letter of protest he returned in mid-September the chair of the Commission. The Peruvian government withdrew the draft law back then. Two weeks later, the Nobel Committee announced that Mario Vargas Llosa this year's Nobel Prize is given. Four weeks later
on 4 November are either Heide Wieczorek-Zeul Mario Vargas Llosa still present when the foundation is laid for the museum. The German voters wanted instead Wieczorek-Zeul's now her successor Dirk Niebel Lima Wilhelm von Humboldt may quote: "Only those who know the past has a future." President Alan Garcia on the other hand likes to think of the first Nobel laureate Peruvian Vargas Llosa, if he himself with a rather pained expression beglückwunscht to "that he can dedicate this place of thinking." And along the way "thinking Ge-" from the (memoria) thinking in general ("pensamiento") makes.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Side Effect Of Impact Whey Protein

The pig organ

is now finally a live report. Long we have kept you waiting, but we're working on it;)

I think everybody knows a little bit of Basta and well was found on Saturday on the large Basta 10 years anniversary concert. Many people have not seen you so long, you could meet there again, and finally in my arms.

But I want to start from the front ...

How many significant Basta concert, we met before the social circuit and have put us comfortably into Vapiano in Cologne to us to strike the belly of the long evening full. After a delicious pizza and pasta we went, after some fasten seatbelt-difficulties that the E-Werk. For there's a decent warm Belgian cherry beer (imported fresh) and laugh a lot.

What were the five well-considered and what will be the mood?

These and more questions were drifting to the E-works through the air as we waited at the inlet. Our little group was growing and so the waiting time flew almost in a flash.

When we finally have the hurdle of the security staff had been overcome (too much Aufpasserei now has no fear of him) looked a nice place and we waited on things that may come. Excited to see what one would be smashed around the ears.

After a lively greeting as they are known only by Basta, the five boys stormed Basta is in the house, "the stage. The title was the program.

The audience was, in my opinion, not at the level which the Basta had been on it. So it took some time until all were really warm and the mood grew steadily.

It was very surprising that after the bastatypischen survey, but some newcomers were here to watch the spectacle 10 years Basta. Perhaps this was also due to the the atmosphere only at high Smahhits to a climax.

The guests, who had loaded Basta, really first class!

The enchanting beauty Barbara Berger and the sparkling Olli Dittrich enrich the concert experience, driving with anecdotes and intense teasing and ridiculing the laughter level upwards.

Barbara Schoneberg shone in the truest sense of the word, with vocals and blue-green glitter dress. Olli Dittrich brought his usual composure and Hanseatic charm the audience laugh and smile. With hits such as "next door to Alice" and "Mendocino" the guys were comfortable with each of the main shock (he) made wheels. The audience was literally across the air. And not just because William and Thomas are absolute virtuosos at the infamous pig organ! The organ solos were eyes and ears at the same time!

After Barbara Schoneberg also a classic with "I Will Survive" from the pop box and took out her own hit song "Why, look to where you want" the best, brought at the end there was even a duet with Olli.

The two blared "Your the One That I Want" and had not only terrific backup singers but also dancers.

The Five put a smart, dynamic sole on the floor. It would not have thought of them, but they moved, more or less smooth. How many Trainigsstunden there probably were required? ;-)

Probably the biggest highlight of the evening was when Thomas spoke of the former line-up. The audience shouted and cheered so loud that one hardly knew Thomas still alive when he actually asked Sasha on stage. One of the moments that probably no one will soon forget: the six of Basta!

Sascha course could not just disappear again. They sang together "How Deep Is Your Love," which I, for example, only the Philharmonic recording I do not know and only I had goose bumps.

All in all I must say it was a beautiful evening, though old hands, like us, then at least temporarily a bit of thought it but would still fit in more of 10 years. The concert went smoothly and without major breakdowns, the likes of us are always very sharp ;-)

Basta 10 years have proven that they have a strong Crowd behind them and it is never boring. Keep it up, guys! At least 10 more years with funny songs, romantic ballads, and Textvergessern margins to which we also like to remember for years to come.

Blogbasta congratulate the 10-year-old!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lobster & Crab Dip Recipe

+ + + + + + Contest extended

Hi girls, Hi guys! We

I have decided to extend our competition to 31/12/2010 .

We all want to again remind although it is likely that you join and you can if you know Basta until a year or even a few months or weeks.

model-making collages, images, videos have to emulate you with Basta. No matter what you guys and the five links, we want to know ;-) So

makes up for with 12.31.2010 at 23:59 clock and win fabulous Blogbasta package .

The submissions that were received up to now will of course continue to participate in the draw.
So, for you who have been through: Sorry for the delay.

We hope that we get a lot of great things from you.

with power and snaps you pencil, paintbrush or camera and off you go!

All submissions please contact send.