Monday, July 5, 2010

Hospitals Accepting Tricare

country reference for many years British missionary


Peru: National reference for many years British missionary

The information center Peru supports the environmental commitment
Catholic religious in Peru

The 62-year-old monk Paul McAuley is after 30 years of pastoral activity in Peru exile. The member of the Order of De Lasalle school brothers received the statement of the Peruvian interior ministry to leave the country within 7 days. The Observatory
Peru eV protested against this measure, the Peruvian government and points out that increasingly critical religious in Peru targeted the Peruvian government.
support for many years of missionary
McAuley, a British Citizen, has lived 30 years in Peru. For many years he built a Fe y Alegría to school in a poor district of Lima, before Paul McAuley 10 years ago in the Amazon basin took on a new mission. In the provincial capital of Iquitos, he founded an association to protect the environment, "Red Ambiental Loretana," and quickly became a widely heard voice against the rampant exploitation of the Amazon basin by wood, oil and gas companies. McAuley commitment has helped significantly that a logging concession was revoked in 2004 by Peru's Constitutional Court recently found and that a leak of the Argentine oil company Pluspetrol became public.
This environmental Commitment now costs him a residence permit: according to the Interior Ministry McAuley acts contrary to his residence permit as a Catholic religious order. Through his work he would endanger national security, public order and national defense. According to Peruvian law John McAuley is now 7 days left to Peru.
Other priests and religious background
threatened the expulsion of a long-time Catholic missionary earned the priority of the Peruvian government, the resources of the country is rampant and exploit them in violation of the rights of the indigenous population. There have been repeated so violent conflicts - on 5 June 2009, was in the small town of Bagua 33 people in a collision between indigenous people and police were killed.
The environmental commitment of Peruvian religious and bishops on the side of indigenous and local communities of the Peruvian government in an eyesore. Several times the bishops Daniel Turley (Chulucanas), José Luis Astigarraga (Yurimaguas) and the Jesuit Francisco Muguiro were from Jaen to the public as "false Christians" insulted and even legally prosecuted for sedition. Since Astigarraga and Muguiro born Spaniards or the Americans Turley is now Peruvian citizen, could the government do not let them expel. Against the pastor of the congregation Barranquita in the Prelature Yurimaguas, the Passionist ialienischen Mario Bertolini, however, is also a designation process. Mario Bertolini stood on the side of the small farmers against the award of a concession for the cultivation of agrofuels on the biggest business family in Peru.


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