Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Straight Line Beard Even

representatives Reloaded

Well, friends of the South Pacific today, it was finally time. The Telekom called to their new, highly ingenious Call & Surf tariff offer. But this was not to be.

"Yes?" Hello? "

"Good day, here is Mrs. blabla by the Telekom, am I right here at blablup family?"

"Yes, of course!"

"You are using but the call Surf and collective ... "

" How will they know the `?"

"Well, that is in here and they also have DSL, but at a different company!"

"Yes, 1and1, NEN make really good job the guys because they can immediately call and congratulate those times too! "

" Well, uh [laughs] and they call on ... "

" Exactly! Tele2 ... them we see the telecom cheat wherever we can! "

" I remember already .. how much they pay for it? "

" I can not say Ihnn unfortunately, you have to otherwise I kill them. It's not even my connection, they understand I'm high school graduate "

"Oh, so they laugh all the time so mockingly."

"No ... I would but even if it was my connection"

"[Laughs] Well then I can give them even just want a schönesn day!"


Well, I got the call and Surf collective refused mercy.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Having Erection In Sauna


Well, today we are approaching a time issue, which is very reluctant in public life - the fart (flatus From the Latin for wind / flatulence)
I consider the, as an ideal platform to discuss about . Hanniboy not be mad, this is clearly regarded as a compliment.

But before we look at the effects of farting, especially in rooms that deal with limited space are characteristic (elevators) dedicate, we first time with the biological process of farting and the produce such strange intestinal gases, so it sometimes " properly crack "can be, as the masses say.

So, what is needed to ignite a fart right and no sinking Windchen which föhnt a really hair back? Quite simply, the right ingredients!
are best for the future apocalypische thunder, the following products:

for that extra something it is worth also a little curry and pepper to mix into their food.

For those who suffer from lactose intolerance - Congratulations! Finally, you can use this unpleasant disease to you and your environment, leaving bell sounds unimaginable beauty.

From beginning to end!

After you've now taken the ingredients and you relax in front of the computer pops happen in your digestive tract unusual things.

must first be decomposed food, this is already happening in the mouth, the digested food then slips into the stomach and is further decomposed and finally reaches in the small intestine. There we
the hydrochloric acid (pH in the stomach at about 0.8), neutralized by bicarbonate.

Let me just quote Wikipedia, nobody does it better.

"By ptyalin is starch to oligosaccharides and maltose These are the enzymes lactase (to break down milk sugar), sucrase and maltase in their individual constituents (glucose , fructose, galactose and mannose) cut, which can then be absorbed by a Na +-glucose symport in the cells of the intestinal mucosa.
which is also pre-digested proteins, which are now available exclusively as peptides (poly-, di-and tri-peptides) by peptidases (mainly Trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidases decomposed) into amino acids. They are taken up by a Na +-amino acid symport in the cell. 90% of di-and tri-peptides are specific transport mechanisms directly channeled into the cell and degraded by a cytoplasmic peptidase with amino acids "

This would mean, what notice it you? Right nothing! The yet nobody understands.
is the food decomposed and it produces gases and that about 15 liters. Much is exhaled (True, if someone talks to you, then he farts you know ... oh we let it). The actual flatulence occurs only when an over-production of gases available.
But not everyone is fart to amuse, it is the one of the more than 20 times a day something can escape out the back is sick under warranty. Otherwise, farting 8 times a day as normal.
women and men fart Traderjob equally often. But since is the next problem.

While a horde of men (often referred to as a collection of ape-men) drive a can, are 'the cheers, and hear loud clapping of hands as a sign meets the admiration and not as a penalty, of course but by itself in women of this behavior usually with rejection, but there is apparently some women, which accounts for nothing.
I myself am also aware of one, but the call I can not. I would create a new ENEMY and this cannot be the proper sense of this comment!

But how does someone who is about to fart?

Outdoors it is hard to see people who have run against you, grinning happily married either grade are stoned or have just easier perifär. In confined spaces may be different. Thus, to observe, however, that people put in elevators astonishing conduct of the firing is not the gas gun.

They usually introduce themselves briefly on his toes, because they think they can pinch the jaws together more effectively. The increase would be the rocker whose on tiptoe. Is reached this state, it is inevitable for the consumer would be dangerous.
How to get out of this situation, if one is not straight amateur diver?
Even when stepping into the elevator you see people together tricks in his eyes, this can be interpreted as a sign. Should he screw up his eyes and already wobbling, it means red alert ... and that darkest dark. Rather turns around and buys you an ice cream of your choice.

But even if, you now can not escape or self-will to the offender. It's all just so bad. And the worst of times will pass soon. Uses the time around you just wondering about it, if a man really in the 20th Live stock , or whether ground floor had not been enough.