Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ouran Doujinshi English

missionary for use for small farmers in court

love girlfriends and friends,

in the name of human rights group, the Information Center Peru, I would ask you, following expressions of solidarity to sign with Father Mario Bartolini. In Peru, especially religious, committed to environmental protection and social justice have become increasingly targeted by government and big business. The action hurries because Mario Bartolini on 26 October is on trial. Please send me so no later than tomorrow, Monday, 12 noon clock to your consent to put your signature to the following statement of solidarity. A short message with the words "I sign" is enough to my mail or comment at the end of this blog. We will send the letter with all signatures at once the Peruvian embassy in Berlin.
You are welcome to call to solidarity in other circles Mal economy.

Thank you for your attention and solidarity,


solidarity with Father Mario Bartolini

We, the Information Centre Peru eV and all the signatories of solidarity to provide us with the Italian priest Mario Bartolini, on 26 October by the First Joint Court of the Alto Amazonas "stands for insurrection against the public order in court.

Father Mario has lived 35 years in Peru in the Amazon. He then accompanied the poorest and most neglected in pastoral areas of Peru, the indigenous peoples and small farmers. In the 80 years he was threatened by the armed group Mario P. MRTA him to the area leave. Father Mario Bartolini has remained.

In 2006, the confrontation began with the Romero Group, Peru's largest conglomerate of Peru. Romero, the group wants to grow on a large scale palm oil plants in a field that is already populated by small farmers. Father Mario and women religious of the zone have helped the small farmers here to defend themselves against their expulsion, and faced criminal trials and therefore slander campaigns. When it
in June 2009 in the Amazon Indians protest came was the intervention of Father Mario Bartolini crucial if it was not Barranquita in the same violent clashes as was the case in Bagua. As with the indigenous Mario P. solidarity, have Vertereter of him ruling party, a leader of the indigenous and the Director of the Catholic local radio "Radio Oriente" accused by the police.

This process reflects the coalition of interests between business and politics back to Ungusten of the poor. A few months ago, the Solidarity rallies have prevented many people that was expelled by the British missionary, Paul McAuley for his commitment to the environment in Peru. Today, we express our solidarity with Father Mario Bartolini, so that it is not shown.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Red Label Whisky Dealer In Hyderabad

Rebelión en Mercedeslandia

Rebelión en Mercedeslandia

Imagínese que la revolución but not born in Puno in the upscale San Isidro district of Lima. Something is happening in Germany. For weeks, images of police beating unarmed schoolgirls with batons, tear gas or run against housewives kept in suspense to the Germans. Not that I ever had public protests here, but they were usually attributed to groups on the extreme left or right "chaotic" street battles being waged in the metropolises of Berlin or Hamburg. Not in Stuttgart, the peaceful capital of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. The Swabians who live here have a reputation of being the most tacanhos between Germanic tribes and yet more ingenious technicians, two features that made the state Baden-Württemberg more prosperous and more conservative of the republic. Here is the cradle of Mercedes cars and Daimler, the Stuttgart region represents the middle class par excellence, Pequenho and medium entrepreneurs and salaried employees well and only marginally affected by the financial crisis as the Chinese continue to buy German cars for dozens. Just last
anho, Chancellor Angela Merkel amid the financial crisis, hailed as a national model for "Swabian housewife" because this, according to Merkel, he knew he can not spend more than you have. Today, the same Swabian housewife trains to protest peaceful and puts a halt to German democracy. The reason may sound banal. The construction of an ultramodern new underground train terminal that should make travel faster Paris to Bratislava and catapult the hard-working but somewhat sleepy town to the pinnacle of urban development in the XXI century. The cost of this project "Stuttgart 21" means an increasingly large amount of euros, until now there is talk of 5 billion, clearing an urban park with trees and the vision of living in anhos in a noisy construction site has on both the minds of the citizens to parents to send their children to protest and not the school.
What keeps politicians perplexed in Berlin and Stuttgart Stuttgart 21 project that has been debated for 15 anhos guild how much parliamentary democracy may have before given the green light. It seems a democracy without effect. When the first bulldozers began to demolish the trees, people no longer remembered the 15 000 summoned the "Planstellungsverfahren, the administrative procedure for appeals citizens (which is as bureaucratic as the word sounds, even in the ears the Germans), was processed. People and Stuttgart came out and still coming out in numbers to protest against the demolition of the park. But only a few tree care protest ? In Stuttgart protests appears the gap between policy and people who have also reached the heart of Europe. Is also expressed discomfort with a modernizing development at great cost, paid for with more debt, whose only benefit is to travel in 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes to the nearby city of Ulm. The promise of faster, higher, more modern seems to be losing its luster.
Interesting as the arguments that are used are similar to those heard in Peru when people do not want a mine or a hydroelectric project, the entrepreneurs come up with the argument of competitiveness and that if the terminal is built, Germany will relegated by competence of European traffic in and out the bottom of the class. Also - this does not say - are themselves the primary beneficiaries of the project as they build the terminal touch multimillionaire. Berlin's political class rants against a people, they say, disoriented, or short-term minority does not accept the procedures provided for parliamentary democracy. A subsequent referendum on the draft is what they seem to be the beginning of the end of parliamentary democracy.
For now the two sides have agreed to a mediator. Heiner Geissler is a retired politician, belonging to the social wing of the Christian Democrats and the last two anhos, its nearly 80 anhos made public their commitment to globalization-critical movement ATTAC. The first achievement is that the two sides have agreed to talk - in public and broadcast on Internet and television.
Let's see if the Swabian housewife able to knock down the terminal century.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pokemon Fire Red For Vba Emulator

Mario Vargas Llosa and human rights

Hier ein Artikel über eine nicht so bekannte Seite des frisch aus Peru gekürten Literaturnobelpreisträgers .....
Mario Vargas Llosa
und die Menschenrechte in Peru

Nobelpreisträger zuletzt immer wieder hat Einfluss genommen =

Hildegard Von Willer (KNA)

Lima (KNA) Peru Ganz Jubelt am 7. Oktober, als the award of the Nobel Literature Prize to
Mario Vargas Llosa was announced.
Even President Alan Garcia was proud and happy about
Peru's most famous writers of the present. In this case, Garcia is expected to
some have an episode reminiscent of Mario Vargas Llosa
reminded him, raising his spring on a commitment to a consistent human rights policy

were 20 years ago, even the two contenders for the highest political office in the state
. Vargas Llosa then sought as a candidate of the liberal
to the replacement of President Garcia. Peru
was at this time because of his immense inflation and the Civil War as
"Untouchables" among the Latin American
States. Vargas Llosa lost the election against little-known
Alberto Fujimori - and went back to writing.

20 years later, in October 2010, is Garcia's recent tenure as president
to the end, his predecessors, Fujimori is under arrest for
human rights abuses in prison, and Peru is working on his latest
history of violence. From abroad, Vargas Llosa
has interfered repeatedly in the discussion about the processing of the Peruvian
civil war in the 80s. As laid open

2003, the Peruvian Truth Commission's report
, that 70,000 Peruvians either were killed by military and police
or the Maoist terrorist group "Shining Path"
, accused the military to related parties before the Truth Commission
political bias. Vargas Llosa, to
then attacked because of his liberal economic credo of many left
, defended the report of the Truth Commission in
his weekly column in the English daily newspaper El Pais
, "and pushed global interest.

In April 2009 there was a violent confrontation, which should
to the victims of the civil war to be reminded. Initiated
had the discussion, the former German Minister of Economic Cooperation
Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul (SPD). She offered to help finance a museum of remembrance
in the capital, Lima. From the office since 2005
Garcia-government could be heard, Peru did not need
museums, but money for the poor. Once again, Vargas Llosa
took up the pen and warned the culture of memory and the fulfillment of basic needs
should not exclude. A throw with
political consequences: his former rival
Garcia took the gift and appealed to German Vargas Llosa - gritting his teeth? -
even to chair the Commission on the establishment of

In November 2009 the site was inaugurated; The foundation stone was laid
soon - until it came to a head a few weeks ago.
was prompted by a government bill. They provide for
amnesty for police and military who were
for human rights crimes to justice and have not been tried within the period laid down
. Protests against the controversial law
were not, the national ombudsman,
the Peruvian Episcopal Conference and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
expressed their concern. But only after Vargas Llosa
had announced in an open letter to Garcia, his resignation from the chairmanship
establishment of the memorial, took the President
the law back.

The Peruvian people Vargas Llosa has not chosen 20 years ago.
His moral influence as the first Peruvian
Nobel laureates on the politics of his country today would be stronger than the
all politicians.

with / jug / brg /