Saturday, February 28, 2009

9v Adaptér Polarita

paradise Peru

Schlaraffenland Peru

One of the best kept secrets is the Peruvian cuisine. It is delicious, varied, nutritious and about to erorbern the world. And much included big boys do not stop.

"How do you like the taste of Peruvian food?" - Hardly a visitor to Peru, where this question is posed not just after his arrival in Peru. Taxi drivers, friends, owner or priest: in Peru are all hobby gourmets and bursting with pride on the quality their national cuisine. Therefore, no one should make the mistake and the answer to the question with "pizza" or "spaghetti", but call a Peruvian court. Who can not speak English should learn at least the names of some Peruvian dishes: the marinated raw fish "ceviche," the potato pie "Causa Limena, or chicken fricassee" Aji de gallina. Better still is trying. Food and kitchen is not in Peru vile food, but culture, popular culture. This in a country that has, despite economic growth is still nearly 50% poor. However, more and more people see the art of cooking a way to To escape poverty.

popular outdoor kitchen

Juana Córdova, provides a well-filled plate "Pachamanca" at. On a paper plate are three pieces of meat cooked in an earth oven, along with three kinds of potatoes, boiled beans and a sweet corn bag. Pachamanca is a specialty of the central Andes, the home of Juana Cordova. Every Saturday and Sunday is the 50-year-old woman family gestärker in white aprons and chef's cap in the Plaza Italia in the historic center of Lima. It stands in a row with 30 colleagues, all your home prepared for sale specials. "Gastronomic Festival", a gastronomic festival, this means supporting the people of the city of Lima buffet. The long table bends under the amount of ceviche (raw marinated fish), Rocoto Relleno (stuffed peppers), Causa Limenha (Stuffed potato pie) and Cabrito (goat meat and beans), to name just a few of the represented national dishes. The festival has large turnout and at noon, all white plastic tables occupied; treat many families here after the weekend shopping a rich and yet affordable lunch. About three € costs Pachamanca a plate on which two people can be well satisfied, and which is prepared with love. "The recipe is from my Grandmother, and the preparation must be incorporated love and joy of cooking".

called Ten years from the Lima Stadverwaltung of a contest for housewives: they should present their best dish. The best cooks received after courses in food science, hygiene and marketing and were invited to participate in the gastronomic festival. The seafood soup kitchen became a hit. Because little is more sacred than the Peruvians, their beloved "almuerzo" lunch. It may still begin at 14 clock, however, end the weekend late night wet happy. On weekdays at lunch business being discussed, was linked bonds of love and complete, and anniversaries celebrated. For Juana Córdova and other cooks of the Gastronomic Festival at the pleasure of the Peruvian food has led to a new family income. Around 30 € deserves a cook on a weekend. So you can again own family a few days set before something good.

The mystery of the kitchen

"My secret is to wash the pepper very well," said Maria Mamani, the Spezailistin Rocoto Relleno for the festival. Every housewife has her own secret recipe, which was usually handed down within the family of mother and Grandmother. What is the secret for so extremely varied and delicious cuisine of Peru? A walk through any market in Lima is an answer. As juicy apples are next to mandarins, bananas, pineapple and papaya. At least 8 varieties of potato have to have any vegetable vendor in stock, not to mention domestic cereals and quinoa Kiwicha. At the fish market fresh fish be excluded Seafood and shellfish are an inexpensive addition. The geography of Peru with their extreme height differences turns out to be fortunate for the kitchen: the products of each zone, the forest are up to the 5000 meters high Andes, in one day in Lima. And off the coast of the capital itself is one of the richest fishing waters of the world. It is an asset already knew the peoples who inhabited Peru before the English America 500 years ago took possession. The Inca, like the Moche and Chimu peoples on the coast should have already prepared ceviche. Not only the earth but also their products were considered, the Indian peoples as sacred and inspired. This can be seen in many pre-Columbine Ceramic figures recognize that depict food as a human being. The current Peruvian cuisine is not only the result of the Indian peoples, but the mixture of all cultures that have come together in Peru. The Spaniards brought with them the sugar and laid the foundation for the Limen famous desserts. African slaves were preparing the remains of their masters to today's national dish. Pastas go back to Italian immigrants, and the impact of the special leave Chinese immigrants. Hardly a street in Peru, where one is not a Chifa, a Chinese restaurant will serve meals to the good and cheap.

cooking in prison

It is this cultural mix was rich Limenos first suspect. Peruvian people's courts have only in recent years found its way into the fine restaurants in Lima. They are now like to stay. Peruvian gourmet chefs develop the people's courts continue to standardize and improve them constantly. Specifically, the capital city Lima is known as a culinary capital of Latin America also well above Peru. No wonder that shoot addition to the restaurants, the cooking schools in the ground. Did a few years ago, young people still study law or medicine, so do all the cooking today. Not simply "cooking", but "Cheff" cooking, as they say in English. In the cooking school of the city's "Cenfotur in Lima each night 30 young and not so young men and women to get an insight into the secrets of the Peruvian cuisine. Many of them hope to make cooking as a profession and earn good money. Others have found cooking as a hobby. Just as the 46-year-old theologian and criminologist José Luis Pérez. In the main job, he is head of the Prison Pastoral most notorious prison in Peru, the Lurigancho prison. Today he is preparing in the cooking school, the Peruvian Hamburger-variant "Butifarra" too. "With cooking you get close to people," is his conclusion. During his pastoral visits in prison, he has helped his culinary experience at times more helpful than the Bible. When José Luis Pérez a course for the prison cooks - who are themselves prisoners - organized, not only the prisoners but the guards were delighted. "When I walked in cooking Monitur the prison, I was not searched for the first time. Even the kitchen knife I could take to the prison, "marvels José Luis about which respect and trust a cook is met with. Who else wants to visit the Lurigancho, has anything that could remotely be used as a weapon issue, at the entrance.

The food is sacred in Peru - in prison as well as across the country. In the slums as well as in precious restaurant. One reason may be that there is not much that all Peruvians - whether rich or poor, brown, black or white-skinned, whether peasant or scholar - have in common. The rich have their own schools, hospitals and clubs. The poor have theirs. What they are talking about when they meet yet again? About's food of course. The delicious ceviche from the weekend, the piquant Rocoto or the delicate Lukuma-Mazamorra - it can all Peruvians say something. For hours, and until you get hungry again. Try it out.