Saturday, April 19, 2008

Humerus Fracture Of Baby At Birth

Bad guys (part II)

When I met him first, he was a free newspaper publishers something offensive though and political intentions suspect -. But what a publisher is not his newspaper? a revolver leaves, at least walked away like hot cakes. in particular the poor and the farmers in remote Andean villages. For Antauro Humala, our publisher, had introduced a sophisticated distribution system. From the Peruvian Army, retired enlisted men without education and job threw themselves in their old uniform, and sold the paper on streets and squares throughout Peru. At the same time were the reserves of the former Major Antauro Humala and his father Isaac in the accompanying ideology trained, the so-called "Etnocacerismus": a mixed ideology of anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, Indigenism and a healthy dose of legal fascism and militarism. All that would disappear in the curio cabinet Latin American ideologies have Antauro Ollanta Humala and his brother is not out in October 2000, a handful of soldiers in the hinterland of the Andes and declared the uprising against the Peruvian government. The time already fought for survival. The presidential aide convicted of corruption Montesinos had fled on the very day in the country, and President Fujimori faced nationwide Protests against. Indeed, Fujimori declared a few days later his resignation in a fax from Japan, the brothers Humala but became heroes of freedom: young, courageous Peruvians who stood against the dictator - just needed the land. Pretty soon, the two revolutionaries subsequently pardoned by the government and began work on her political career. Ollanta did this by Attache posts abroad, and Antauro as a newspaper publisher of a leaflet which bore the name of his brother, Ollanta.

Antauro but did not stop the newspaper publishing. And down the country he gave his speech about the oppression of the brown race, the old values of the Incas, and why the Yankees, the country exploit. The speech was a bombshell. More than a young, laid-off from the army recruit felt addressed. Work he did anyway, and he could earn as delivering newspapers to find something and have a new ideal. As I sat opposite Antauro Humala is the first time I took a talkative, nervous man, some real mixed with all sorts of weird ideas. That racism in Peru is a serious problem is that always give more people. But you have to revenge against the culture of the Yankees, a private Peruvian Windows - create software? In this time, instead of Antauro and backers for his brother, Ollanta, who at that time in France and Korea, the Peruvian military represented. That changed abruptly on 1 January 2005. Artauro Humala and his reservists had occupied the town in the Andean Polizeikommisariat Andahuaylas. In the following shootout, four policemen and three Etnocaceristen killed. Antauro Humala and his followers were immediately placed in custody - and brother of Ollanta distanced himself from Antauro, just in time for the presidential campaign in which he lost narrowly to the current President Alan Garcia.

Antauro Humala, the "Major" as he was known to his Etnocaceristas housed in the newly built prison outside Lima Piedras Gordas. This prison was built with the money that President Fujimori's advisor Montesinos for on his Swiss account abzwackte, and by the Swiss authorities was returned to the Peruvian state treasury. The big bosses of corruption from politics and the military should serve out their sentences here. When I visited in May 2005, the Assemblies of Etnocaceristas and wanted to find out if the groups continue to exist, I was first taken up pretty nicely. The guys (there were no girls among them) met in an old, uninhabited house in the Old Town of Lima. The power was temporarily turned off, the back room where they met, was accessible only by a dark access through several empty rooms. The room itself hung Wiphala - the colorful flag of the indigenous people - and a lot of militaria. I was particularly impressed by a photograph that showed a young man in uniform who wanted to balance the bleeding from his mouth over a wall itself. The young man had been fatally wounded in Andahuaylas, his fingers drew on the photo a "V" for Victoria, victorious after. Therefore, the Etnocaceristas had hung so cruel to me appearing photo. Because of the "V" of the dying boy. Even otherwise there was no lack of militaria and Schriftentum extreme right in the room - for the Etnocaceristas no contradiction with the co-existing anti-imperialism from the left corner.
As soon as I wanted to know something more about their organization, Efrain was one of the young leader, quietly walked into a Corner and called someone on his cell phone. Finally, it was superfluous to my questions, handed me the phone and said, "say even with the Mayor. On the phone was Antauro Humala, the Peruvian Army Major out of service, and at the time occupant of the new high-security prison Piedras Gordas. I should come visit him yet, Antauro said to me, after I reminded him of our first meeting. Morning was visiting day for women, I should not give his name, but the Oscar Benitez Linares. So I would immediately clean in jail.
The next afternoon I went on the road to Piedras Gordas, at the extreme northern edge of Lima, in the middle of the desert. The new gray Fortress on a hill was visible from a distance. Some 30 other women waiting to visit their relatives. I showed my ID Peruvian said, that I wanted to Oscar Benitez, and already I was allowed inside. The security controls were more lax, at least they were not my keys or my phone - both in Peru voltaic prisons absolutely forbidden things. In contrast to the crowded prisons of Peru, was the new Piedras Gordas an escape empty concrete corridors, behind glass panels sitting officials who expressed a Knopt, opened up a grid and a new empty hallway sent. Peruvian prisons are otherwise all that we imagine to can. But certainly not empty. Eventually led a path to a kind of corridor with 4 open to double steel doors, behind which normally maintain extremely valuable or extremely dangerous things to store. In that case, it was probably the extremely dangerous men who were kept here erwden. One of them came towards me, with a broad smile, he introduced himself to me: "Let, Oscar Benitez, I am witness against Zevallos. Zevallos was the largest drug money launderers in the Americas, the then owner of Peru's largest airline and has taken a few months ago at the instigation of the U.S. in prison. The man was smiling at me kindly so testify against Zevallos. Not for nothing, of course, he admitted. He had also earned strong in the drug trade, and an adhesive relief he would get with his statement. But first he wanted me to imagine today Antauro Humala. Oscar took me to a round 100Quadratmeter large, walled courtyard. Deserted. Up to Antauro Humala. In one corner, under a self-made sun covered and behind a table, he holds court. Two mobile phones are on the table, next to the latest editions of its leaves and a stack of papers, and a sun-tanned, well-tempered ex-Major, subversive and accused of murder. Well it would go to him in prison, the prison even has educational character, "he said, and that he now had time to be to write book. Meanwhile, his lawyer comes and brings him the galleys of his latest leaflet for correction. "Antauro" is the name of this now, because once had distanced himself from the brother of Ollanta "Andahuaylazo," named for his Antauro Papers in Antauro. From his etnocaceristischen ideology he was more convinced than ever. His eyes sparkle when he makes his militaristic and anti-imperialist ideology. Violence? Found that it was necessary to establish a means among others, in the end only a footnote etnocaceristischen of world history. Antauro Humala has big plans, because he leaves no doubt. Here in the prison he had already found kindred spirits. Here imprisoned cadres of Shining Path, an extremely violent Maoist terrorist group that is responsible for about half of the victims of the Peruvian civil war, would slowly realize that the ethnic element was important.
Did I want a photo? Asks me Oscar Benitez, who became the press agent Antauros drug dealer. He offers to shoot a photo with the phone and then to mail me the photo. Otherwise it would not, unfortunately, it was still holding a prison here. The talkative
Antauro says at the end of the interview: "read this, but I have j aalle what I need: access to the Internet, telephone, television."

two hours with Antauro indigenist and his fascist-nationalist- Speech is enough. I say goodbye and go back to the empty concrete corridors to the exit. No one bothered me, nobody wants to know where I was and what I do with out taking. Outdoor

look at the prison I go to the desert and the slums that spread a few hundred meters behind the prison. Increase in my combo, the minibus, which brings me back to Lima and step back into "normal" world of Lima, the chaotic, crowded, the unjust, the dynamic. And I wonder what the world now was surreal: one in the high security prison, or those outside.

PS: a few weeks after my visit to the Piedras Gordas flew to the scandal. Not because Antauro, but because of a powerful Mafia boss, who was detained in the same prison. He had bribed the prison director, so it all mobile phone and fishing gear off and unfiltered women's and men's visit to the high security jail. Shortly thereafter requested Antauro Humala his transfer to another prison.

PSS 2008: The head of Peru's prison administration, Leonardo Caparrós told that the prisoners in Piedras Gordas are now dissatisfied and would mutiny. "This is a sign that they reach no more corruption."
Antauro Humala and his followers will finally put on trial. Antauro occurs in Rowdy courtroom in such a way that it is referenced by the judge of the hall. The prosecution, meanwhile, negotiated, whether brother Ollanta is included in the indictment because he had allegedly approved the violent uprising of Andahuaylas.

PSSS: The Chute Piedras Gordas was built with unscheduled payments, which the Swiss government had frozen in the Swiss accounts of former presidential advisor Vladimiro Montesinos, and which he afterwards to the rightful owners, the Peruvian government, led back.