Thursday, March 27, 2008

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Bad Guys (part I)

The bad guys are much more exciting as everybody knows, the good nerd. Before me stands one whom at first sight not to be considered is to which category he belongs. 1.80 Well gross, on slender, with white stubble on his head and face in the not quite spent, sparkle from a pair of bright blue eyes. This modern casual plaid shirt hanging over his beige linen trousers, across the chest of Mitfünfzigers hanging reading glasses. In her right hand a thumbed paperback, "El Hombre," the novel of the American best-selling author on a fictitious black presidential candidate sheep. "Bufalo", so called my friend, could easily stand on a beach, waiting for a female victim who is not impressed by his adventures. If he does not. I meet Buffalo in the prison of San Juan de Lurigancho, the largest and most notorious men's prison in Peru. Bufalo, the sous chef a fait, that is a gang boss who rules over his prison wing with several hundred men. In other words, most men here in the hostel of Peru with over 10 000 inmates, Bufalo is a person of respect. This latest notice
we when we go with a photographer on the "Boulevard" - about 400 meters long corridor that separates the individual wings from each other. Here you find everything and buy all of: detergent, soap, spare parts for everything, drugs and people. On the ground, totally stoned guys who are even stoned to the dealer to and can only offer themselves to get on drugs, besides the drug dealers and men of all shades that offer home-made ceramics, and thus get the appearance, maintains that even in prison an "honest" life is possible. But is not 80% of the inhabitants of this prison is taking drugs, if they have not done it before they are potted, they do so no later than when they come out. The police is watching or even helping with the procurement of drugs. Why should they not, with 400 police officers against 10 000 prisoners, but all in vain labor of love. As you can feed the prisoners just as well with weapons and drugs. In a way, raises their only effect on each other: "The drugs make us tame, so that we can not break, because the weapons have to me."
Bufalo is no exception: "Of course I take drugs, or has it not from that." For 24 years Bufalo leads a life of jail and not prison. More time he has now spent indoors. Drug trafficking, robbery and fraud - all he has done and tried. Innocence, he does not try to fake the first place. Remorse over a botched life? And he has too much attitude and self-respect. "How do you keep the prison from here without going crazy?" I ask him. "You have to turn off all feelings, otherwise is not it. "says Bufalo. He would therefore not visit more of his family members, which bring only problems and worries. Without visiting family and he lived quietly. Despite all the cleverness, the sadness is profound in his voice.

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water - Agua

more than interested, I heard this morning in bed the news: a dead prisoner, attempted rape, a traffic accident and a sensation a pregnant man, the usual mixture of horror, crime and sex, considered here as newsworthy I. to realize until I suddenly the word "corte de agua" hear. The water is shut off. that in several districts of Lima today from 9:30 am until around 2:30 early off the water for repairs. My neighborhood is among them. A look at the Clock: 7.30; not hoard like to get out of bed and water. All empty plastic bottles, I can find are filled with water. Then quickly rinse all dishes from the previous day. Reserve the water bucket on the roof terrace is empty - and from the tap drips less and less water. The "Corte", the water shutdown has already begun. At least I still manage to take a shower, come out as long as a few drops. At 8.15 the line is dry - one of the few things that can happen before the announced time. My two friends, who announced himself for 11 clock tomorrow have to be a shower can not stop - so much water could hoard no more.

that water is not taken for granted, you sense only when there is no time. That in the metropolitan Lima often not mind missing borders on a miracle actually. For Lima's 8 million residents live in the desert, literally speaking. Geographically, Cairo and Lima are damn similar. This is any alien immediately clear when looking at the barren sand hills around the city or the dusty plants and palm trees look sad, the visual appearance despite extensive casting never really lush and green. It is therefore surprising that the residents of Lima have hardly worried about their future Water treatment account. Even in the slums, which are inadequately supplied with water, and in which one hardly sees a green leaf, the problem is reduced to the fact that one should lay pipes or the water company is corrupt. But what if there comes no more water from the tap, because it no longer exists?

Lima fed with water of the river Rimac and Chillon. In the pass Ticlio, at 4800 meters, flow the stream, forming gradually the Rimac River. "Just a few years ago I saw snow when crossing the pass," said Archbishop Pedro Barreto. Today you have put on quite a spectacle, a few snow fields in the distance to . Recognize The tropical glaciers have melted in the last 5 years by 22% - the Peruvian Ticlio is no exception.
Just below the Ticlios start flowing waste water from mines in the small streams, below is a tunnel that is stored in the mountainous rubble for decades and who has since seeped into the groundwater, further down in the Rimac valley, there where the outermost settlements Lima begin flowing industrial effluents, domestic wastes and agricultural pesticides in unfiltered river. That is, the water is not only less: it is also highly polluted in Lima. If
Lima run out of water, is here also start the light: Peru is by its geography, the steep Andean slopes, able to cover one third of its energy requirements through hydroelectric power stations. Question is, how long, when the water recedes.

All these questions have been taboo in the Peruvian society and politics. Because Peru is a society in modernization. Through sustained economic growth is the need for water and energy, not only for industry, but especially for personal use. Since it is not popular, if politicians continue to households with water and energy.

good that the Catholic Church - finally - is their prophetic role just here: today, Archbishop Barreto, the national campaign "Water, God's gift to life, "inaugurated. In all katholsichen communities are the Christians for dealing with water resources to be made aware.