Thursday, January 24, 2008

Trouver Licence Matlab R2007b

aid request

Last week I received another of the emergency calls, whether I could not donate blood, rhesus negative, for an old woman waiting for surgery at a hospital in the north of Lima. The son of the patient would also pick me up and bring you back home. Of course, I said - if I only ever with my blood, which can do good, how should I as refuse? On Thursday
waretet punctually scrap heap looking car with a driver for me - José was called the son of the patient, who was with his siblings for days in search of rhesus negative blood donors. "A single nephew had the same blood type, and because a tattoo they have not accepted him. I could have beaten him at the moment," says José of the effort to raise matching blood donor. And because of the car I should not worry me, that would have us Request by e. His last brand new car had been stolen from him, because he would rather go for the junk box.

But not assume I will tell. But from our drive North Lima. A traffic jam after another offered us an opportunity to exchange our experiences. I was so German, "said José. He also got to know German when he was in the 80 years he worked in the personnel department of the city of Lima. At that time, the left Alfonso Barrantes was mayor. But back to the Germans. A William and somebody else, very nice friendly people. For the German development aid they had advised the city to organize the new waste management Lima. I am surprised that, I had never heard. With the waste Lima makes her a lot today. And, honestly, the project has achieved anything, let me ask my chauffeur. Jose looked a little embarrassed moreover, as he wrestles with whether he wants to tell me the truth or they would prefer to gloss over, because he did not insult me. "So to be honest, it was all for naught. At first, the aid workers very involved, wanted to change many things. But when they saw that they got stuck in the decrepit administrative structures, have their activities more and more in the hotels in the chic district Miraflores has shifted. "round tables and cocktails, where you talked about waste management and poverty reduction would then replace the actual work on the community. Among the events will be the secretaries had been sent to someone from the City attended.
But that was twenty years ago, then he is also considered a Communist. Like his mother, who now needs the blood. She was a seamstress in a factory and committed union member. He, José, had long renounced communism and believe in the free market. I should but only the offer in the department stores look to sprout in the slums now out of the ground. The have it in the 80 years he was not given. Whether it himself for even better to do? No, he does not have much of it, but just need time to develop that would have come.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Where Can You Buy Izod Boxers

market - Feria de los Deseos

The New Year 2008 I started with a tour of the "Feria de los Deseos" - the market's wishes . Every year after Christmas, "Curanderas" after the High Andes of Lima and offer to "market of desires" their services. A "curandera" is an herbalist, healer and shaman. The services offered by the shamans is large: it you read the future in coca leaves or trauma or disease dispel the fact that they emphasize an egg on your body. A guinea pig, or an armadillo fulfill this function: they draw the bad energies and diseases on the individual. as protection and defense of future evils one should wash with a decoction of medicinal flowers, or one buys one of the many charms that are offered for sale. There are amulets against and for all: the protection of home, farm and animal, to ward off illness or theft, a man making love with themselves or to separate a pair of lovers. "You have the amulet in a special place with you keep at home," said the saleswoman. Basically, these are the household, accident and health insurance for the poor. A proper insurance with monthly payments they can afford, but 50 cents an amulet, which is valid for one year - that is in it.

The "market needs" in Lima blend ancient healing knowledge with commercial and cheap superstition. Behind this however is an old wisdom of the Andean nations: a disease is rarely physically limited, but is triggered by trauma or a culprit. When I asked the shaman if they can cure the cough of a 4-year-old girl, she looks at me blankly: "You mean, if you can heal the horrors" - a cough is not simply just a cough, but a visible manifestation of something that is wrong in the soul - and this may be caused by trauma from the outside . Therefore, the shaman take away the trauma. Much of the Andean medicine today we would include under the Western term "psychosomatic".

But the most important is faith: just as the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, only helps those who believe in it, including the Andean medicine will only help those who are not infected too much of Western skepticism.

(from my newsletter El Puente 12)