Sunday, March 6, 2011

Registro De Proshow Gold

Marine Le Pen is two years before Sarkozy

The Sueddeutsche reports today :

"The presidential election of 2012 in France could become a triumph of extreme right : a survey suggest that the beat Rechtspopulistin Marine Le Pen, France's president Nicolas Sarkozy in the presidential election in the first round. According to the survey, which was commissioned by the newspaper Le Parisien, was Le Pen's 23 percent approval, while incumbent, Sarkozy was only 21 percent. About two months after her appointment as Leader of the xenophobic Front National, the 42-year-old wins it historically the best poll result for their party. "

On € news Marine Le Pen recently announced their " -right " , " populist " and " xenophobic " views in an interview price:

"I'm looking for Europe, as I do with all my might fight any event, the European Union, not Europe itself Europe.. this is a culture, a field. I am European. But the European Union is a structure that has for me totalitarian. So the European Soviet Union, so to speak. proceeding farther it, the more it is constructed without the people - they are designed by the people. The more guidelines you aufzwängt us ... We see it, and you must go to say that they ruined our economy, that they are on the bag is that it may affect the currency, giving us a way of life imposes, it is not our own is. "

" The European Union is, in my opinion dead It is a sinking star. She believes that she is alive, but it is long buried. For the currency it has created is currently dead we try to save the € at any cost. But at what price? I do not want to cut my people like the Irishman the minimum wage by twelve percent must reduce the money needs children, unemployment benefits and cut wages officials must. If that is the price we have to pay to save the Euro, then I say: better, we come out of the EU and abolish the €. "

" I think you have to start all over again. Europe can be alive if it creates on a basis of nations, the national sovereignty respects, a Europe of cooperation is - only if it achieves good results objectively. "

" And I'm willing to organize the referendum on EU membership of Turkey in France. I am against Turkey's accession. "

[to the events in Tunisia and Egypt] " For are my opinion not so much democratic revolutions but hunger revolution. I think that the International Monetary System and the bad decisions of the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation, the high prices have led to important everyday food products. "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rules For The Game Fustration

Bull Market: Stocks clearly in gold

two years endures the bull market in stocks now
. (Granted. 1 trading is still missing, but that is the big picture not change)

And you can see that gold in this period no had a chance against shares. developed the securities that are approximately twice as good as the yellow metal.

to enlarge